Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Damn sub zero temps again.

---Ok, yesterday it was like 45 here and right now its minus 22 with the wind chill. Winter is playin hardball and ya know what? Its beating my skinny ass! Today wasnt too bad of a day today, kinda got in touch with some more of my deeper feelings again and it felt good. I just wish that sometimes my ex would pull her gorgeous head out of her gorgeous ass and pay attention to me and how much I care about her. She just gets so caught up in her daily grind that I lose out. But fuck, like I can blame her when she just emails me letting me know she just made $1200.00 on Ebay in one sale tonight!

Tomorrow, her Father will get the results from his latest cancer scan at or around 10 AM, his last one was OK, but Im not too chipper when it comes to these things and I am expecting her to get bad news tomorrow in which when that does happen, she'll fall apart in my arms and Ill havta put her back together. Do I want to? If thats what needs to be done? Hell YES! Id do it for one of you guys too. It isnt about what kind of love it is that I have for her but more so the fact that I just love her like I would any of you guys. The only difference is that I dont wanna make out with any of you guys and Id bet that her rack is a lot hotter than yours too. But yeah, its love, pure, raw love. She is the Mother of my child and a damn good Mama at that! Shes my baby girl. Well, thats what I call her. Im just preparing for the worst tomorrow. The cool thing is her Father has/is planning a trip to FLA. as a little getaway vacation for himself and his 16 yr. old Grand daughter. It will be nice for her to always have that memory. My ex's Dad is old school, tough as fucking nails, do or die kinda guy, but this cancer scare has gotten him to open up quite a lot. He has 2 daughters, one is very successful and has busted her ass to get to where she is now and the other one is a manipulative junkie who has all but torn that family to pieces. You think Im the black sheep of my family because Im sleeved and Ive had my share of runs ins with drugs? Shit, Teena makes me look like a role model citizen comparatively! Yeah, shes that bad. And she has 2 kids by 2 diff. Dads, you know, the whole 9 fucking yards. The state will not give her kids back to her, ever, because shes messed up so many times. Her son Calvin lives with his Dad which is cool and Franchessca, the16 year old girl, who is drop dead gorgeous lives with foster parents and Grandma gets her on the weekends. Not that you guys actually know anyone in my life to ruin me, but this shit stays right where it is, between brothers, ya dig? Man, I ramble, I really hope you hind this stuff interesting about me. I really do.

Gonna be another frigid day here tomorrow, wind chills in the teens, if not close to zero during the day. I drank a margarita tonight and it went right through me, whew. Strong one! Feels good though, but thats where I have to pull myself in and stop. One is enough for the night.

So is Mike M. gonna be around when Mikey S. comes to town? If so, you guys really should initiate him. Its time. I love Mike M. and I would love nothing more but to know that he is totally in the fold of the brotherhood.

McCain and Romney are going at it in FLA. tonight. And I JUST turned on Fox news and they have declared McCain the winner of FLA. I also feel that if Rudy G. is done is he doesnt finish at least 3rd tonight though. Im still backing one certain Republican. but yes, even I am fascinated with Barack. Id love to meet him actually, I think thatd be really neat. I just heard that Rudy Giuliani is gonna step down and his support goes to McCain, not good if youre a Romney person like I am!!!

This is ALL far from over. Super Tuesday will tell us a whole hell of a lot. There are still delegates to be won out there. I think itd be sweet if Mitt got in and then hired Giulini as Secretary of defense. Yeah, ok, Im really wishin now I shall sto!!!!!

So, what did you have for dinner tonight? I had Italian. Was good.

I love you sons a bitches....the brotherhood runs thick through here......

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