Saturday, January 19, 2008

Whew, survived the cold cold cold

---What are you guys lookin at up there as a temp. for tomorrow? I think we are gonna land it pretty close to what it was today. Right now, with the wind chill its about minus 11. This shit gets old fast but it puts me in a rough place.

I effin HATE the dead heat of Summer now, you know those "dog days" when its like 92 degrees with the humidity being 98%? Yeah, hate em. But on nights like this, I hate winter and we are due for another 3 inches of the white flakes tomorrow too. Im happy during autumn. At least we are moving into a new pad here that has central air, the place we are at right now didnt, and that made for some SERIOUSLY hot and humid as hell days this past summer!

My car didnt wanna turn over this AM, but I was gentle to her and she eventually gave in. Once shes warm she runs like a top in this weather.

Finally got all my dates right, we take possession of the new pad on the 15th of Feb. and our moving day is the 25th of Feb. Gives us plenty of time to finish packing, clean this place up and out and get over to the new crib and paint everything before we get in there.

I know I said it before, but my daughter has her lil party tomorrow with all her pre school buddies at a place called Jumping Jacks. They have all this stuff set up in there that kids can jump on and get crazy and dive into those plastic balls and shit. I wanna bounce, but I bet they may not like that too much even though diving into a 5 ft. deep pool of plastic balls while holding Ava's hand sounds awesome!

Enjoy your Sunday's people. And Mr. Poobah, Sir, once again I am truly sorry that I will not be able to see when you venture into the Chicago land area.---

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