Thursday, January 31, 2008

President McCain? Huh?

---Well, the political field keeps gettin more and more interesting. Good God, McCain is gonna be the nomination for my party! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! Ill be throwing my vote away then. Might as well vote for Hillary, it would be like the same thing.

He is gettin endorsed by everyone now which sucks, he is ruining everything. And Im thinking Romney and McCain hate each other anyways. Clinton is a damn witch, which leaves us with one man sittin pretty, Mr. Obama.

McCain is looked at as being surprisingly "liberal" for an old Republican. I just heard some statistic that like 900,000 Republicans will either stay home and not vote for him assuming he gets the nod, or they have no idea what they will do. Trouble.

I also feel that Obama needs to stop with the "promises" and "The Changes" and the "Transformation of the U.S." and just cut to the fucking chase and start explaining to everyday people what that means. Stop with the fancy talk and just TELL ME WHAT YOU WILL DO, you know?

Crazy times, crazy times.

Whats all up with you guys? Hows the shop PJB? Hows home life Scott? You guys got all the plannin and digs set up yet for when The Poobah gets to town yet? Man, how I wish I could get there for that, Id really like to see Mr. Poobah, but sometimes, ya gotta stay poobah free, whether you like it or not.

My ex's Dad is not going to seek any further therapy for his cancer, he is just gonna enjoy what time he has left without having to go to the damn doctors every week, or having needles stuck in him and all that bullshit. He said he just wants to be happy with what he has left and I totally respect that decision. Hes already got the tickets for FLA. for him and his Grand daughter. Incase you forgot or didnt read it, that was one of the things he wanted to do before he died was to take his Grand daughter to Florida with him. It will be a great memory for her, something she'll never forget. My ex will be spending a whole hell of a lot of time up there now that she knows what he is going to do. He lives in a town called Ft. Dodge, a small town in Northern IA. about an hour and 45 mins. from Des Moines. Thats where her Mom is too. Regardless what happens, a year from now, he'll be gone. My ex is gonna turn into a pile of mush when he does pass away and I will havta hold her up and try and help her explain things the best way possible to our daughter. This situation will be a bit different from when my Dad went. She should see this coming on from a mile away. With Den, it was more like seeing him at the street corner, then thud, no more Den. Sad but true.

Well boys, get back to me, Ill get ya soon. Love Ya.


dad-e~O said...

did you see any of the debate at the Reagan Library.
It was funny watching Romney and McCain having a Pissin' contest

Sickboy said...

yeah, hah, I did catch quite a bit of it and I was amused and scared, both at once.

If that Goddamn dinosaur gets in, we are fucked. Im still uncertain as to why certain conservatives refer to him as being "too liberal" but shit, if every damn truly conservative Republican you ask says the same darn thing, they have to be onto something.

This election is far from over, both Romney AND Clinton are still gonna win their fair share of states.

I personally dont like the idea of some old man like McCain running my country, thats all. Hes the age Reagan was going out as he is coming in!

Yeah, hes a "war hero" and all that warm and fuzzy all American bullshit, but that doesnt effect me, I mean do I honestly think some 70something US President is gonna listen to what I have to say about World issues? I think not.