Friday, January 25, 2008

Tis Friday.

---Goodmorning Kats. Hows it hangin? All good here. Supposed to totally warm up here this weekend which will melt an assload of this snow which Im fine with I guess. It'll be nice because I can start greasing back the hair again, it was kinda pointless to do that when I was wearing a winter cap for so long as of recent. Its cloudy here today and somewhat cold, but rain by Sunday and 45.

Hows the shop goin PJB? Hows C Scott? I hope both of you are well. Im down to a fabulous 164 pounds now, I am all but to my ideal weight, so Im happy and a lot healthier.

Any ideas as to where I should put my OMI ink guys? I dunno where to put it! Not that Im gonna be able to afford any ink anytime in the immediate future but I like to plan ahead.

What are you guys doing this weekend? Ill be with the kid runnin around my ex's shop, annoying customers but having a fucking blast doing it!

Any of you guys have accounts on Youtube?

I will also step out on a limb here and say it will be Mitt vs. Hillary for the White House, which makes me, a Republican, quite happy. We can take her with Romney, I just hope to God that that fucking dinosaur of an old man McCain doesnt sneak his way in. I think the Clinton "machine" (Hill and Bill) have Obama right where the want him and lets face it, the Clinton team is hard to beat, they know how to win and they know whats up. Bill is one crafty SOB. I dont think Obama has the longevity to fight it out until the convention and the nomination. Sure, he'll win a few more states here and there, but I think his "super hero,rock star" persona is wearing thin and quickly at that. Ive even been hearing and seeing as of late that he is beginning to lost a lot of the black vote also. People can say all they want, but hell, race/gender is playin a big roll in this one. A lot of it will also depend on who they pick as running mates too. I also think that Rudy G. had the dumbest strategy I have ever seen in a Presidential candidate. Putting everything on FLA. which in polls Romney has the lead in anyways. Shit I think McCain is above Rudy in the polls there.---

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