Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Jan. 1st, 2008

---Good Lord its 2008 already, can you believe it. You know the saying, the older you get, the more time flies....

My New Years Eve experience was kinda a let down, but I got over it pretty easily. I was hangin out with my daughter and the ex and around 900 she started getting real tired and she was already pissed off because for some odd reason her DVD player would not let the DVD play correctly. She got The Simpsons movie for Christmas. and we were gonna watch it while the kid did this and that and played. Ava wont sit in front of the TV but for 5 mins. if something is on that she doesnt like. Anyways, I didnt wanna be an asshat and try to force my ex to stay up and 9 nights out of 10, Ava wont go to sleep until Mommy goes anyways, so I just gave up on the idea of ringin in the new year with her and just tucked them into their beds and left. I was disappointed a little, but I got over it cuz I dont really give a damn about stupid New Years anyways. So, I came home and I was asleep by 11. I woke up and looked at my clock and it was 1155, so I got up and waited 5 mins. for the New Year, had a smoke, then fell back to sleep until this AM.

What did you guys end up doing last night?

PJ, did you get to go on your ride this morning with anyone? What did you do Scott?

All these fucking politicians are all but living in Iowa right now cuz the Caucus is in a few days. Its crazy, you wouldnt believe all the campaign ads runnin and how many phone calls Ive gotten from certain political offices looking for support. Ill Caucus, sure, I already know who Im gonna caucus for, so Im all set. My ex's shop is located across the street from where the democratic caucusing will take place.

We are still waiting to hear back from the home owners as to whether we will get that house or not, they said we'd know this week. If we dont land this house, we will just end up in another apartment again. My Mom just wants a fresh start and I totally support her decision because everything here reminds her of Den. Im getting better and better with it, but shes still shakin up quite a bit.

Oh and with the wind chill, it minus 10 here today! Thankfully, the sun is out, I dont wanna know how bad it would be if the sun wasnt out. Im not moving, my kids not moving, my moms not moving and neither is the ex. We are all staying in where its warm.

Well, setting aside all our disagreements about politics, music and other things in life, I hope your 2008 is FULL of love, happiness, prosperity and may your 2008 dreams become 2008 realities!---


dad-e~O said...

the ride was bust, no biggie, It gave me an excuse to clean up my mountain bike, which I've been meaning to do. and the opportunity to spend more time at home, which I don't do as much as I should.

Sickboy said...

little bit cold for a ride too, huh?

dad-e~O said...

I think it was more snow then cold