Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Thats President Obama to you, Mister.

---Today wasnt so much a bad day really. How was yours? Sell anymore bikes PJ?

Well, I dont know about you, but Obama is off to a very good start. He reminds me a lot of Malcolm X when he used to speak in public. VERY charismatic. I am just paying attention now that Im pretty sure McCain is the winner in New Hampshire. Good for you, ya old ass son of a bitch. I cant wait for super Tuesday, THAT will be interesting. My ex had quite a few of his (Obama's) aides pass through her shop while the Caucus was gettin hot here and they all said he is a very heartfelt man who really wants to turn this nation around for ALL people, hes sick of the dems vs. the GOP bullshit. Like I stated in a previous reply, Im not 100% sure of him yet, but I am honestly listening to what he says right now. Stupid ass Republicans have no hard core front runner either. We'll see what time does, Nov. is a way off. Im still with Romney right now.

We will know about the house tomorrow, they are runnin the background checks right now because they called a friend to get a reference. Pretty tough process to go through to just rent a home, I know, but then again, in todays time, I wouldnt want some Joe Blow from off the street living in a house that makes me income, ya gotta play it safe, so we understand.

more later boys---


Scott said...

surprise Hillary won the New Hampshire primary.

My response....


Sickboy said...

Yeah, I think this may change some things, I dont think Obama is just gonna walk right in to the nomination now. Maybe that will give us Republicans to bolster a great front runner.

I just learned some very disturbing facts about Obama that has me thinking about him twice now, in a HUGE WAY!

Hell, if Hillary gets the nod, we can defeat her, that Ill put money on.

Scott said...

what sort of "very disturbing facts"?

I can think of only one Republican I would even consider voting for. If he is not on the ballot and Hillary is then I plan to get drunk, and then go to the polling place and use a coin to make my choice.

Sickboy said...

yeah, same here, there is 1 MAYBE 2 GOP runners that Id vote for right now I think.

But I think Hillary is gonna give Obama a run for his money before its over.

Last night as I lay in bed I thought to myself "If both parties turn out shitty nominees, I may not even vote at all, but then I remembered you almost have to, I mean shit, our Forefathers fought and died for us to have that right.

The "disturbing" things about Obama were really nothing, just his background as a Muslim makes me nervous now.

Sickboy said...

I LOVE the coin toss idea if it comes down to it Scott....good one

dad-e~O said...

what background as a muslim?
He's a baptist.

Scott said...

Found this on Wikipedia about Obama.

Obama writes that he "was not raised in a religious household." He describes his mother, raised by non-religious parents, as detached from religion, yet "in many ways the most spiritually awakened person that I have ever known." He describes his Kenyan father as "raised a Muslim," but a "confirmed atheist" by the time his parents met, and his Indonesian stepfather as "a man who saw religion as not particularly useful." The chapter details how Obama, in his twenties, while working with local churches as a community organizer, came to understand "the power of the African American religious tradition to spur social change." Obama writes: "It was because of these newfound understandings—that religious commitment did not require me to suspend critical thinking, disengage from the battle for economic and social justice, or otherwise retreat from the world that I knew and loved—that I was finally able to walk down the aisle of Trinity United Church of Christ one day and be baptized.

dad-e~O said...

so what about that "Makes you nervous now"?
I'm confused.

Sickboy said...

One of the most entertaining opportunities that will emerge in 2007 will be using Barack Obama to fight Islamofascism. He is the product of a black Moslem from Kenya, Barrack Hussein Obama, and a white atheist from Kansas, Shirley Ann Dunham, who met at the University of Hawaii in Honolulu. That is why his middle name is the same as Saddam’s: Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. His first name is taken from the Islamic term in Arabic for “blessed,” baraka, used in the Koran.

His father deserted the family when Barack Jr. was two and returned to Kenya. His mother then married another Moslem studying at UH, Lolo Soetoro from Indonesia. He moved with his mother and stepfather to Jakarta when he was six, where he attended a Moslem medressa (religious school). That makes him a Moslem. There is no mention of this in the chapter of his book, The Audacity of Hope, where he discusses his religion, My Spiritual Journey (reprinted in Time Magazine). Obama claims he is a Christian, that he and his wife Michelle are members of the United Church of Christ.

The opportunity in this is not accusing him of being a “closet Moslem.” It requires taking him at his word that he has become a Christian — for that means he is an apostate. There is no dispute among either ancient or modern Moslem scholars that under Islamic law, a murtadd, “one who turns his back on Islam,” an apostate, must be put to death. Irtidad, apostasy, is committing treason against God, and traitors deserve to be killed.

Should Obama deny he ever was a Moslem, it will compound the problem in the eyes of Moslems. He was born of a Moslem father, raised by a Moslem stepfather, and received his first education at a Moslem school. That he subsequently went to a Catholic school in Jakarta before living with his mother’s parents back in Honolulu makes no difference. In the eyes of Moslems, he originally was a Moslem. How can he not be in those eyes, with a Koranic first name and his middle name that of the grandson of Mohammed? For him to become a Christian means he is, for them, a murtadd, an apostate.

Which provides the perfect opportunity for an enterprising journalist to ask him at a press conference if he is: 1. Afraid of Moslem assassination attempts as punishment for being in Islamic eyes an apostate? 2. Willing to publicly call upon all Moslems around the world to renounce such punishment and declare instead that Moslems are fully free to convert to another religion?

The odds are high that he will answer no to the first and yes to the second. As an oily politician, he will try to squirm out of a clear definitive yes with no wiggle room. But it should not be difficult for a smart journalist to get him to agree without reservation that Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states...

Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion. This right includes freedom to change his religion or belief.

...applies to Muslims

Once Obama condemns the Moslem tradition of death for apostasy, then he can be asked:

The Koran famously quotes Allah as saying in chapter (sura) 2, verse 256 that there should be ‘no compulsion in religion.' Yet numerous sayings of Mohammed known as hadith which form the basis of Islamic Sharia law quote Mohammed as saying ‘If a Moslem discards his religion, kill him.' So are you telling Moslems that Allah was right but Mohammed was misquoted, and their Sharia law tradition on apostasy is wrong?

You can see how much fun there is to be had with this. Again, the key is taking Obama at his word that he is a Christian and not secretly a Moslem. No accusations necessary. The point is that Moslems view him as first a Moslem, not that he does. If done right with honest, straightforward, and persistent questioning Obama can serve as a quite useful anti-islamofascist tool.

Moslems will be infuriated with him for embarrassing them, Americans will tell themselves never to vote for someone with Hussein in their name to be their president — and it just might get a number of influential Moslems to abandon an important part of Islamic law. This is going to happen to Obama this year. And not only that. For he’ll then be asked if he will support the efforts of Christian missionaries in Islamic countries to peacefully convert Moslems to Christianity......

Scott said...

So who wrote this drivel? It appears much of its content dated, and incorrect.

dad-e~O said...

Way back in the 60's people didn't like the idea of voting for JFK, cause he was catholic, since the Catholics are supposed to "report" to the pope. now today that just seems silly. And JFK goes down in history as one of our Countries best presidents.
Religion or lack there of has absolutly NO bearing on someones ability to be a "good" person, or leader.
e, the article was a little jaded.
but you make a point about Obama's electablity. Will enough of "the red states" that voted for W, see past the sound bites and muckracking to vote for who could be a good leader.

Sickboy said...

Drivel huh? How come whenever I bring up something that may be a little controversial or a little to the right side, its drivel?

Fuck, like Wikipedia is the be all to end all of online sources. You are aware that ANYONE, yes ANYONE can add, or take away from it, aren't you Scott. I try to stay away from Wiki as much as possible because there is just as much bullshit there as anywhere else online.

What makes the stuff I dug up so dated? Im not even saying I agree with it, but it did make me think twice about Obama and his upbringing in the Muslim World. Islam is a very strict Religion, you just cant walk away from it from what I have read, if you walk away from it, you are labeled a traitor and should be sentenced to death.

The reason that caught my eye was because we have enough problems with the Islamic and Muslim leaders and countries now, so maybe it isnt in our best interest to elect someone to the highest position in power over the World to be our leader after being tagged as a traitor by his once seemingly righteous faith.

Islam is fucking nutty like that I guess.

Sickboy said...

Would I vote for a Muslim?

To be 100% honest with you all. NO, I would not.

Sickboy said...

Like PJ mentioned in an earlier post, can he win it being black and have dealt with Islam

dad-e~O said...

I'm not justifying, I'm pontificating. America would be a better place if we weren't all judged by our past (or parents) transgretions.
At a certain point the person you are today should be the one who is being judged.

Sickboy said...

before this one gets out of hand, Im gonna stop.

I will just say after really listening and learning certain things about him, I would not vote for him.

Scott said...

Geeeez Eric….I used the word drivel in an attempt to show that I was asking my question in a conversational manor, with a friend. I thought it a rather simple qualifying question… where did you get this info? Obviously in short I question some of its content. I am certain you would have mistaken my intentions if I had said something like assbacket, fucktard, or some other intended to offend obscenity. I am carefull to qualify my comments to my friends, that is why I included where I had found my info. I agree Wikipedia should always be read carefully, with out forgetting its source. I would be surprised if you felt differently about all things written. I don’t know may be you are having a bad day?

Sickboy said...

yeah scott, I was having a terribly shitastic day yesterday when I read your post, please dont take it as a personal slam.

It wasnt you, it was me. We are all good.

Carry on Bro.

dad-e~O said...

it's nice that grown men can hug across thousands of miles.
the wonder of the internet

Sickboy said...

watch it PJB, Ill cyber hug your ass next mister!!!

hows business by the way?

dad-e~O said...

dead today,
I just a lady walk in, who was looking for the BookStore, then asked me If I wanted to buy her used books.....

Sickboy said...

shit, were the books she offered good ones at least?

dad-e~O said...

I didn't even ask.
She was bat shit crazy

Sickboy said...

is that better than crazy cat lady?