Monday, January 21, 2008

Monday morning blues

---Well, it seems like you guys are about to wrap up your plans with the Poobah which is cool, someone, ANYONE, PLEASE take pictures! Nothing exciting to report here, we are expected to get another 2-4 inches of the white stuff today, which doesn't make me wanna jump for joy, but it doesn't upset me either, Ill just stay in all day then. This weather does leave me a little depressed though one of the main reasons is because I cant take my Ava sledding in sub zero temperatures, too dangerous for her and hell, for me too!

I think when the Poobah is in town if you guys end up going out, or dont end up going out, you should officially induct Martin into the fold (if he is around) with some kind of initiation, he has been too lucky for too long. I don't think its very fair to have his initiation involve alcohol, simply cuz its dangerous in some ways and Id put serious money down on the fact that Mr. Martin could easily drink ALL OF YOU way under the table. You should throw some suggestions out here on the blog, I would be honored if I could at least help to figure out what can be done by or to him to complete his fold into the family. Mr. Martin, I love you =)

I want you guys to have a good week, keep warm and fill me in on your daily happenings when you can, okies?

By the way Mikey, this is Tippy. The "Sickboy" tag is just a reference to a Social D song, thats all. Ive become dangerously obsessed with the band for about 7 or 8 years now.

One last thing, PJB, your knowledge of bikes and all the trimmings (so to speak) frightens me. You know your shit and its very impressive. Your blog is lookin good too, I check on it everyday.---

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