Wednesday, January 30, 2008

My hands are cold!

---Hello my pretties! Man o man is it ever cold here today with clouds as far as the eye can see. Right now, they say its 7 here, with a high of 12, but I dont think its 7 let alone 12.

I see that Edwards has officially "suspended" his run for office, which doesnt say shit. The only thing it means is that he doesnt have to hand over his small amount of delegates to anyone at the moment, so he can kick back and watch 'em squirm for a while. Im not even directing my anger towards Hillary at all right now, its that old man, son of a bitch McCain Id like to see crash and burn. Yeah, I dont like him because he is just that...too damn old. He would be entering the Office at the same age Reagan was leaving it. Get him past his "military" knowledge and he aint got shit. Thats all we need in the White House, another war supporter who went into things blindly supporting W. with the shit he pulled in Iraq. "Super Tuesday" will really say a lot as to how things are gonna end up, there are over 1,000 delegates at stake for both parties on Feb. 5th. Im honestly clueless as to where I still stand. I have a favorite, but I dunno if he has what it takes to make it happen. The idea of voting for Hillary makes me want to vomit violently and Im still not 100% sure about Obama. I like to stay close to my party anyways. But DAMN, that Obama can deliver a speech though, wow!!!! And unfortunately, I still think race will play a part in this election, more so than most people think.

Plus, if a democrat (or Romney) gets in, that doesnt know shit about our nation's defense, do you think we will be attacked right from the get go? Big man Bin Laden is still out there and you damn well know he is plotting and getting Al Qaeda ready to go. If they were my organization, I would surely be gettin them all fired up right about now with all the political changes headed to America. We can only stay safe for so long.

Well, my ex got her Father's test results back this AM. His tumor has grown one centimeter (whatever that means) and they are stopping chemo immediately. Radiation doesnt work well for his type of cancer and surgery is too risky over the fact that if they dont get every little bit of it out of there, that damn shit will spread like wildfire, so thats not an option either. They are talking about some type of new chemo injection, just a plain old shot in the arm every week or whatever. His oncologist has given him 9 months. Im heading over there in a little while to see how shes handling things. Hopefully, Ava will be good tonight. It is so cold here today, that I dont think she even kept her store open all day. I need to call her.

Whats going on there? Is it totally freezin, or are you getting blessed with what we had yesterday? PJ, I still think you should do at least a weekly "shop shot" of someone doing something or another inside your shop, then caption it and blog it! That might be kinda neat.

Well, my brothers, keep warm if need be, stay safe and lemme know whats up over yonder.....


dad-e~O said...

1 cm is a shit load of growth.
to put it in prospective, take a BB, or smallish bearing, or even a piece of gravel, treat yourself, make it round. then put that in your shoe. then tie your shoe.
Walk around.
that BB is about 2 mm, a CM is about 5 times that size.
A tumor is bad, one that grows 1cm is much worse. My heart goes out to you and your ex. Cancer is a bitch.

A few days ago, was the 1 year anniversary of My Mom's death to cancer.

Sickboy said...

yeah, Im sorry for you PJB. His Dr.'s give him 9 mos. to go. I will use your example tonight if need be to explain things to her.

Sickboy said...

BTW, thanks for sharing too =)