Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Winter woes yet continue some damn more.....

---Well, we only got like 2 inches out of this big, over hyped snow "storm" we got from yesterday and last night, but it was more than enough to cover the cars and streets. Its still brutally cold here, near zero with wind chills and I guess the big kicker comes to us tomorrow night when it will be minus 20 WITHOUT the wind chill and close to minus 35-40 with it. Screw that noise, I seriously doubt my car will start for that. I have plans to go eat with the kid and the ex tomorrow night, but I don't have my hopes up after hearing that weather forecast this morning.

Scott, your awesome snow blower impressed the hell outta me.

I watched some of the Democratic debate last night and again, I was only left slightly impressed with John Edwards. The Clinton(s) continue to spew forth their venom at Obama and he whines back at them like some little, helpless school boy. Edwards was the only one to raise above it. Good for him. Bill Clinton needs to go the fuck home and shut the fuck up, hes a punk ass little bitch. They are the worst political tandem I have ever seen in my life and that says a lot.

We have most of the packing wrapped up here. Just waiting to take possession of the new place which wont be for a little while yet. So we sit and wait and hope things get cleaned up here enough to get a decent amount of our deposit back.

Been listening to that 75 track "import" of Social D. stuff I got my hands on and it is short of spectacular! I had some of the stuff already from other "imports". but most of it was new to me. Its pretty damn good. Its funny hearing stuff from their demos that go back to like 80-82, Ness sounds like a 13 year old going through puberty, haha!

Alright men, enjoy your day, keep warm and lemme know whats up!!!

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