Thursday, January 24, 2008

No title

---Hello boys. Man was it ever friggin cold last night. With the wind chill, I think I heard it got to be minus 31, needless to say I was not out in that. Got news yesterday that an Aunt of mine who I was pretty close to as a kid is on her death bed, shes dying of malnutrition, thats scary! At one point this lady was over 300 lbs, shes like 95 pounds now in hospice fading in and out of reality.

So, have you guys got your Mikey plans set in stone yet? He will be there soon if you do think about it. Damn, I wish I could see him AND all you guys, but theres just no damn way. We take possession of our new pad on the 15th and we will have a lot of painting to do, plus I dunno if I wanna put my car up to the test of another 500 plus mile trip to Chicago again right now. Just please, take LOTS and LOTS of pictures to be uploaded here once the fun is over, Id love to see them. I still also think that would be a great time to initiate Martin into the fold if he is around.

How are you guys? Is it freezin there? More later.---

---OK, its later. Just found out that the "nursing home" my Aunt was in has totally been neglecting her and abusing their powers over her by treating her this way. Nursing homes scare the hell out of me. The Dr's have not been straight up with my cousin (who has power of attorney) and now it has all caught up with them and my Aunt is going to die because of it. Sucks. Totally sucks. My Aunt was always good to me when I was younger. This is my Grandfathers ( or my Pa's) sister. Im not even nearly close to her anymore due to distance and what have you, but it still upsets me.

Its still below zero here at 1115 AM, but tonight I am going to see the kid, I dont care, I need an Ava fix. The ex's shop and online industry continues to grow and grow, making her more and more money which I am happy about.

I have a full bottle of pre made margaritas in the fridge chillin out and I havent even though about tappin into it as of yet, it just sits there and now I wonder why I wasted the 13 bucks on it to buy it after all. Eh, Ill get to it sometime. I was craving the taste of tequila the other night and now Im not so it doesnt sound appealing to me anymore, but the craving will come back and damnit, and I will be ready this time!!!

This whole primary election is wild! No real front runner and we are gettin ready to go into "Super Tuesday". This is gonna be one hell of a battle for The White House from both sides of the spectrum. I am still behind one certain candidate and I am happy to see him make it this far, because now, he is starting to be taken seriously.

Gonna be 45 here by Saturday, WOOHOO! Melt away all the ugly road snow. But hell, we'll get hit again soon enough, even though the weather guy on TV last night said that Feb. and March temps. look to be above normal.

Well, my fellow brethren, I bid thee a farewell for now, be safe, be smart and quit being so conformed to society and go get some more tattoos.! I hope you liked my little picture today. PJB, you should get your shops symbol inked on you somewhere, that would be cool. I still havta find a place to put my OMI ink.---

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