Thursday, January 18, 2007

According to most, this is it!

NEW YORK — A majority of Americans consider President Bush’s plan to send more troops to Iraq his last chance for victory there, according to a new FOX News poll.

Overall, the president’s plan receives only minority support, and that comes mainly from his party faithful. A large part of the public’s opposition to the plan could be based on the fact that most see it as a continuation of the same strategy, rather than as a real change.

Opinion Dynamics Corporation conducted the national telephone poll of 900 registered voters for FOX News from January 16 to January 17. The poll has a 3-point error margin.

By 59 percent to 36 percent, Americans oppose sending more U.S. troops to Iraq, not only because most believe it is unlikely the plan will succeed, but also because few voters see the plan Bush announced last week as a significant change to current policy.


Martin said...

I just have to say that I find it rather poignant that I'm listening to The Voice of God is Government while reading this.

The Voice of God is Government(of course, I just told you)...Bad Religion

Martin said...

Now I just kind of got the Cliffs Notes version of his whole plan that includes the troop surge. I know that makes me a bad American but I've got other shit to worry about. Didn't this "new plan" also include a declaration that our involvement was not open ended. Eventually, within a relatively short period of time relative to creating a democratic nation, we expected the Iraqis to be bearing almost all of security activities in their country.
I haven't heard a lot about that. I'm sure that there are some Offmen who could school me on what is actually going on. Mark M, I'm looking at you.

dad-e~O said...

a mabye not so unrelated anecdote (I've been drinking so gimme a break):
every morning I tell my kids to eat breakfast, brush their teeth, wash their face and hands, and get dressed. 7 days out of 10, I have to wipe tooth paste off their faces, or remind them to put on socks.
giving the iraqi people freedom is like training kids to do something, constant reminding, or letting them fail.
unfortunatly, the war put $$ in the pockets of people who want to keep reminding, and gives "power" to people who are willing to let them fail in order to learn from their mistakes without causing any pain.

Sickboy said...

Pete, I could not ag ree with you more, you summed it up perfectly.