Friday, January 12, 2007

Bush stands alone with 'new way forward'advertisement

President George W. Bush on Thursday cut an increasingly lonely and embattled figure as opposition Democrats and fellow Republicans greeted his "new way forward" in Iraq with a barrage of denunciation.

Although Tony Blair, the UK prime minister, said that Mr Bush's plan to send a further 21,500 troops to Iraq "made sense", the US president appeared more isolated than ever before. Republicans pointed to the fact that Mr Bush's address came as the UK plans to announce by the end of next month the withdrawal of about 2,600 troops from Iraq.

"Why is it just the United States that is shouldering this?" said Lisa Murkowski, a Republican senator. "Why is Great Britain withdrawing? Why are we the only ones that are moving forward with this new plan?"

Republican senators who publicly opposed Mr Bush's plan included Norm Coleman of Minnesota and Sam Brownback – both of whom have traditionally backed the White House – in addition to a growing list of Republicans facing 2008 election campaigns.

I find it interesting that England is planning to withdraw troops after Blair was quoted as saying that this "makes sense". I say screw the Brits and Blair!


Martin said...

The Australians are still there with us.
Aussie! Aussie! Aussie! Oi! Oi! Oi!

dad-e~O said...

generaly I would agree E, Screw um, but .... it's not just the brits. it's just about every country in the world. this is a VERY unpopular war all over the globe. It is becomeing increasingly apparent that it's not about anything tangible like WMO's or terrorism, it's about $$, Ego, and legacy.

Martin said...

Why is not the genocide in Darfur receiving as much negative attention as this war? Why are not the slavery rings across the world receiving such attention? Why is there not outrage about people starving in North Korea while the government spends huge amounts of money on nuclear and biological weapons in North Korea? There are terrible things going on that we are not responsible for and we are still the whipping boy for the world.
End jingoistic, hawkish, pro-American rant.

Mofo...Naked Raygun