Monday, January 22, 2007

A cold one for mans best friend!

AMSTERDAM, Netherlands (AP) -- After a long day hunting, there's nothing like wrapping your paw around a cold bottle of beer.

So Terrie Berenden, a pet shop owner in the southern Dutch town of Zelhem, created a beer for her Weimaraners made from beef extract and malt.

"Once a year we go to Austria to hunt with our dogs, and at the end of the day we sit on the veranda and drink a beer. So we thought, my dog also has earned it," she said.

Berenden consigned a local brewery to make and bottle the nonalcoholic beer, branded as Kwispelbier. It was introduced to the market last week and advertised as "a beer for your best friend."

"Kwispel" is the Dutch word for wagging a tail.

The beer is fit for human consumption, Berenden said. But at $2.14 (or 1.65 euro) a bottle, it's about four times more expensive than a Heineken.

---OK, how many of you would try this? I know its almost a sin to try a non-alcoholic beer, but it would almost be worth it. Talk about a bonding experience between you and your pet.

Hey Scott, are Monty and Rosie worth the brew???---


Scott said...

Sure, but it would likely just give them gas. Monty has the reputation in this house of making rooms unoccupiable for extended periods of time... unless you have access to a hasmat suit.

Sickboy said...

Ah, gassy dogs, not good.

dad-e~O said...

no, I give my dog human food, but there is no way in hell I would go out and buy special doggy beer,

Sickboy said...

what kinda people food?

dad-e~O said...

whatever we have leftover from dinner usually goes into her bowl as well as the fridge