Sunday, January 07, 2007

File under, I Didn’t Know?

Unknown to me as of this morning, Hard drives are actually quite Hard! As recommended when disposing of an old hard drive to insure personal info does net get into the wrong hands, I took a hammer to my old hard drive. But to my surprise my eighteen ounce ball-peen (as seen bellow) it just left twenty or so small dents in the case. Now surely this was likely enough to have disabled my family’s old disc drive for good. How ever being said I am a SAHD, and I felt I had some thing to prove so nothing less than total annihilation would do… at least splitting the dam thing in half would make me feel good. So I dug out my old sludge hammer and took it along with the delinquent Hard drive to the back yard where I could have a word or to with it and a certain hard place I reserve for these special moments. But to my surprise it took seven swings to produce the image you see bellow… all I could think was wow, I actually damaged my special hard place! Disc Drives are really made quite solid! Any how it was a good day as I did get to use one of my favorite toys, on a rather unsuspected object.


Sickboy said...

Thats quite a job you did on that thing. Talk about getting looks like something out of a science fiction movie gone wrong!

Mark M said...

Hard drive manufacturers discourage people from opening up hard drives by using unusual fasteners. I think the screws are tamper resistant Torx head ("Torx TR"). I once worked at a place where they had a set of Torx TR wrenches and was able to take apart a hard drive without having to use blunt instruments. BTW, nice picture!

dad-e~O said...

try a sawzall next time!!