Sunday, January 28, 2007

Great and humbling idea.

---The first thing new Iowa Governor Chet Culvur did was to pass a bill that asks for all state flags to fly at half staff if a soldier from Iowa is killed in the war in Iraq. I think this is a very humbling idea. I dont know this new Governor very well yet and I didnt vote for him but I really like this idea.---


dad-e~O said...

I think that the rules for hanging a flag at 1/2 staff is already covered in our Nations constitution. If we did it every time someone died in the service of the country, the thing would never be allthe way up.

Martin said...

True, the circumstances of flying the US flag at half staff are already defined. However, it looks like this bill refers solely to the state flag. It's a nice, touchy, feely kind of bill, but I don't know how much it accomplishes. There's no harm in in the bill itself, but I don't know if it's necessary to spend the governments time in going over such legislation. I'm sure the bill covers this, but would it be at half staff if the soldier died in non-combat activity such as training or in a vehicular accident. Several soldiers have been killed in accidents or aircraft failure while not engaged with the enemy.

Scott said...

Don't most soldiers fight to keep our flag flying high?