Tuesday, January 09, 2007

I havent taken the time to write anything personal in a while so I guess Ill take a stab at it....

I guess last month was the warmest December in US history! This warmer winter is really starting to piss me off. I know we have an arctic cold front headed this way this weekend, but I dont think we will see much, if any snow. I am kind of missing snow right now. First of all, I really wanna take my daughter out in it and I miss the look of the pureness it brings, you know, when everything you see if covered in a pure, white bliss. I miss that. Im sure Scott can relate, him being Mr. winter and all...

Im sick of getting spam emails! I have even tried to reduce the number of spam emails I get by going to various websites I get spam from and clicking on their "unsubscribe" buttons. Guess what? It usually doesnt work. The next day, I get the same emails from the same compaines and/or porn sites. Porn. Lots of it is porn.

Ive been doing a lot of reading lately. A lot of reading of work by the infamous author H.P. Lovecraft. His stuff blows my mind. Its so mindblowing horrorific. Not your usual horror though, his stuff goes much deeper. His is very psychological, very much a big mind fuck, pardon the term.

I will let you all go now, I just wanted to let you know what Ima thinkin abouts these days.....



dad-e~O said...

are you not using G-Mail?
I get very little Spam on my g-mail,

Scott said...

This was a great post, thanks E!

I don't get spam on my G-mail either. On Yahoo, I get tons, most of it porn.

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to go into the office for a meeting (so cool to have adult conversations). During one of the brakes one of my coworkers passed around a copy of Al Goer's book An Inconvenient Truth. Now I cant say I am a big fan of big Al, or his Tipper. But I was taken aback by just how well he communicates data on global warming in a graphic context. In a nut shell I thought it was very thought provoking.

Sickboy said...

I dont use my Gmail acct. very often, it is my secondary acct. I use Hotmail through Outlook Express.

I have honestly heard great things about that Gore book. I will admit also, Im not a fan of Al nor Tipper, but yes, that book is getting great reviews.

dad-e~O said...

Playing the devils advocate:
It's possible to write well about a subject like global warming. But it's difficult to get around the concept of the cylces of temperature changes the earth goes through.
The end of the ice age would have seemed like global warming then...

I haven't read the book, but I have heard good reviews. It probably deals with the naysayers like me.?
Did you read or hear about the "Left Behind" series of books, well written compelling books dealing with the biblical concept of Armegeden? there could be comparisons made...

steve butt said...

the movie is great and i recommend it and it adresses the naysayers very well