Sunday, January 14, 2007

I think this is totally rediculous. This is America, not fucking Mexico. If people wanna use pesos to pay for something, it should be done in the proper country, not here. Im SO GLAD I live in the Northern US. I could never live that close to the border.

DALLAS, Jan. 14 — Jose Ramirez and two friends stopped by a Pizza Patrón here after work on Thursday for a carry-out dinner. Mr. Ramirez, his jeans dusted with white chalk from the construction site, ordered a Hawaiian and La Patrona — a large with the works.

The pies cost him almost 220 big ones. Pesos, that is.

Mr. Ramirez, 20, received his change in American coins and said he liked the chain’s new “Pizza por Pesos” promotion. He had been in the United States for 15 days — his home is in Guanajuato, Mexico — and he wanted to spend the last of his Mexican currency.

“I just arrived,” he said in Spanish, smiling nervously. “It’s my first time here.”

The employees at this Pizza Patrón in East Dallas, one of 59 in five Southwestern and Western states, were still puzzling over the conversion rates almost a week after the chain started accepting peso bills on Jan. 8.

But the promotion has already hit a nerve in the nationwide immigration debate. The company’s Dallas headquarters received about 1,000 e-mail messages on Thursday alone. Some were supportive, but many called the idea unpatriotic, with messages like, “If you want to accept the peso, go to Mexico!” There were even a few death threats


dad-e~O said...

it's a promotion to build buisness, like a coupon. and a pretty smart one

Sickboy said...

It just pisses me off. You dont see businesses up near Canada taking Canadian currency to promote anything. I just think its another way to cater to all these damn border jumpers.

Scott said...

Have you ever lived up in northern Michigan of Minnesota?

Sickboy said...

No I havent but that isnt my point. My point is that these businesses will do nothing except cater to mexicans wanting to take advantage of this country.

You dont hear of a problem of illeglas from Canada coming over to this co untry to exploit it of it resources.

Mark M said...

I agree with PJ... If someone will give me a pizza in exchange for a pound of my toenail clippings, uh... well, maybe I'd stay away from that pizza on second thought. The reason the dry cleaner won't take pesos (or Euros, or whatever) is that he can't spend them anywhere else in town, and they're not easy to deposit in his bank account. First he would need to convert the pesos into dollars -- and that costs extra. But if he's willing to go through the trouble of changing pesos to dollars, who am I to stop him?

Scott said...

So E are you proposing that there should be laws against this sort of transaction? Is this a free country or not???

Maybe we should go after businesses that cater to people of Italian ancestry as well?

Sickboy said...

Nowhere else od you hear stories like this. I dont hear about Italian pastry shops offering to take the Lira or the euro to help Italians make it better in this land.

Taking pesos is just another way for these goddamn vultures to come here and take advantage of this country. It promotes illegals.

Sickboy said...

They dont have to place border guards at airports when people come to this country to claim citizenship. They dont put up walls at harbors and ports. You dont hear about THOUSANDS of Canadians trying to jump the border to claim illegal asylum in this country. You only know of the mexican problem because its just that....a fucking problem. You dont hear about companies hiring Irish or Italian "border j umpers" to help do the work that others wont.

Illegal immigration is a sounthren US problem and it relates directly to Mexico.

steve butt said...

the walmart in nogales has excepted pesos since before i moved here. i don't see the problem. tip didn't you use to belong to the anti-racists?

Martin said...

I have to agree that if the private business wants to take payment in pesos, that's their business. At least that money is staying in the States instead of hemhorraging into other countries as so many billions of US$'s do.
But I bet you the construction worker wants greenbacks, not pesos, when he gets paid.
The problem comes when this goes beyond a business promo and foreign money becomes legal tender and we have to accept money from failing economies, devaluing our own even further.
Traveling in Ireland I found that a lot of places would accept $US instead of Euro. Mostly places that tourists would go to. At the time they were pretty much equal value.

Sickboy said...

I guess we will all have to agree to disagree on this one.

Scott said...

I personally agree with every one who commented on this post except Eric. I hope I am not being to blunt or offensive, however the article E chose to post along with his comments all smack of flagrant prejudice, and racism. If I could not embrace other cultures or forgive those of us whom have in the past betrayed my trust, then I would not dare consider my self an Offmen. In my eyes this is not a matter of a simple disagreement… for me it is a major division.
I like Eric, and to be clear I have the same strong sense of loyalty for him that I hold for all of the Offmen. But that being said this topic puts a tremendous strain on my sense of loyalty. In the brief history of Offmen I have learned all to painfully the lesson choosing not to stand with one (or more) of my fellow Offmen, when things become strained in principle. I can only hope that my willingness to be civilized and not destructive when in disagreement, can only serve to strengthen our unity.

Sickboy said...

I am only human. If I am being labled a racist because I am strongly convicted to this topic then so be it.

I will apologize to anyone I offended but I will not change my opinion.

I guess I will just stop posting current news topics here or maybe I will stop posting alltogether.

dad-e~O said...

Eric, just for shits and grins I asked the kids at work their opinion of the peso thing, but we discussed it from another angle. We said that the dude who owns the pizza shop has a bank acount, and pays little if anything to exchange currency, most imigrants (legal or otherwise) do not have accounts and use currency exchanges to cash even their pay checks. this guy is making money, and cornering a market, because he is building solid, lasting (as long as the guests are in town) regulars from the people he "helped out" (but still made a profit from).
It's the American way to find a niche and fill it.
I'm not saying that we are going to start excepting forign currency at my place. but in his market that was better then putting a buy one get one free coupon in the local shopping circular.
the underlying issue with this article and the way it has polerized so many responses is (IMO) Mexicacan Imigration. and whether or not it's being handled in a manner that is appropriate for the future of the USA. this has been discussed and length previosly on this blog. And was usually an issue that raised alot of tempers.

dad-e~O said...

I don't think any one wants you to "just stop posting current news topics here or maybe I will stop posting alltogether."
but I know that my opinion and cence or humor about certain things tend to be less then popular in this forum, so I don't post them.
I would encourage you to look into your self and decide why this issue is so very upsetting to you. Especially if some people who's opinions you value (i hope) are coming up on the other side of the fence (pardon the pun).

Scott said...

E, I really don’t want you to stop posting. But that being said I would like you to consider being a little more sensitive to the larger community who read our blog. I like the article you choose to post, and quite frankly I really like the fact that you took the time to personalize it with your own commentary right up front. However the language you chose to use I found unusually caustic and offensive. Further more I am not demanding you change your opinion, nor do I have any desire to police the content of any of our posts. All I am asking is for you to please just be a bit more considerate of those Offmen who do live in or amongst a minority when making your posts, as our bog does represent all of us as a group.

Martin said...

I have a feeling that this post has become somewhat persona non grata and is generally being avoided, but I'm gonna post this anyway. I agree that this business is pandering to illegal aliens and if they had a shop in my locale I would choose not to patronize them. However, we can look at this in a different way. This is capitalism at work. This is a private business owner seeing an opportunity to sell his product and make money. A very American thing, which I do not feel the need to apologize for. This is laissez faire, free market economy in the works. This entrepreneurial spirit is what has helped make this country the kind of place people will leave their coutries of birth for. America, come for the free market, stay for the pie.

Sickboy said...

I will say worst got the best of me on this one. I am very passionate and sometimes I let me feelings get the best of me. I didnt mean for this to come across as a racist rant, but more a way for me to express my love for this Nation.

Martin said...

I just want to make it clear that I'm not soliciting an apology or retraction from you, Eric. I don't like the way this taking pesos thing smells either. I'm just trying to put a positive spin on what this businessman is doing. If we dig below the initial, visceral reaction of the illegal alien issue, the story is about a guy that is making money in a free market and making a better life for himself. I can't speak for anyone else, but that's why my family came here.

Master Race(In Outer Space)..The Vandals

Yes, I get the irony, some may say hypocrisy, of listening to punk while extolling the virtues of capitalism. This song in particular, considering the content and accusations contained in the post.