Monday, January 08, 2007

Lets all take up an Offmen collection and make and offer!!!!! It would be great for meetings, parties and the like.....

World's Smallest 'Country' for Sale
Monday, January 08, 2007

By Sara Bonisteel

The self-proclaimed sovereign principality of Sealand, aboard an artillery platform built during World War II, as seen in 1999.
The world's smallest "country" is going on the chopping block.

The self-proclaimed sovereign principality of Sealand, built atop a World War II artillery platform in the North Sea, is for sale for the whopping price tag of $977 million.

Its price tag and remote accessibility would make it perfect for a James Bond villain. Sealand's past is just as colorful as any Ian Fleming novel.

Built by the British Navy in 1941 in international waters off the coast of Harwich, England, the approximately 1,800-square-foot steel platform set atop two concrete towers was abandoned after World War II.

Enter Paddy Roy Bates, who along with his family, occupied the structure in 1967 and proclaimed its sovereign principality, dubbing himself and his wife prince and princess of the island.

That sovereignty claim lead to a decade's long struggle for control with the United Kingdom that included a lawsuit and the jury-rigging of international water boundaries.


dad-e~O said...

that would be so bad-ass

Sickboy said...

I know, wouldnt it be? It would be like a big Offmen commune!

Scott said...

I understand there is some significant fire damage, due to an electrical fire... Maybe we should ask John T if he would do a survey for us before we make any serious offers.

Sickboy said...

Sounds good. I like the idea of getting a guy in there before we make the big plunge.

dad-e~O said...

it'll become a casino/brothel for the super rich

Scott said...

I call dibs on managing the brothel!

dad-e~O said...

tsk, tsk, tsk

Sickboy said...

what will we do with our kids while the brothel is up and runnin? Should we have a daycare there too?

No, not at the brothel, I mean somewhere else on the "island".

Scott said...

Um, did you see the photo?

dad-e~O said...

hang them from the bottom on big rubber bands?

Scott said...

Perfect! Love it love it love it!!!