Monday, January 29, 2007

Over half of the people in the U.S. are more frightened by the prospect of losing the data on their computer than they are of their home being burgled.

---I can personally say I am in agreement with this statement. I lost a hard drive once and it was earth shattering to me. All of my music and photos were gone in an instant. Have any of you ever had a hard drive crash on you?

Im feeling a bit better today. I am also very saddened by learning of Petes loss.

We are supposed to get another inch of snow this afternoon and it is supposed to dip down into the single digits again tomorrow. I enjoy winter and the snow, but the severe cold just tears right through me.

Well, Im gonna go look for some news to post here, youll probably hear more from me soon.---


dad-e~O said...

even with all thatextra insulation, the cold still bothers you?

Scott said...

Thanks E, I just backed up my machine a few months over due.

Pamela lost her hard drive 3 months ago. She had not done a back up for over 6 months!!!! She lost all her business collateral for those 6 months. luckily we share all of our photo's and music, so hope fully they are always in three places.

Sickboy said...

ouch! Losing all that business info must have been really tough.

Ive never done a system back up, Im not even sure how you do it, could you explain Scott?

Sickboy said...

yeah, even with all this ectra on me I still get really cold. Im thinking about taking up meth to help me cut the weight back.

Scott said...

I burn all of my most recent files on to a DVD. They hold about 4,500MB worth of data.