Friday, January 19, 2007

Robert Redford opened the Sundance Film Festival last night with a bang. He told the audience assembled at the Eccles Auditorium, where Brett Morgen’s “Chicago 10” was about to screen, that we were owed an apology from the Bush Administration for everything that has happened since Sept. 11, 2001.

“Six years ago, we held off [saying anything negative about the administration]. But considering what’s happened, I think we’re owed an apology,” Redford declared.


dad-e~O said...

this guy has huge balls. and a history for being politicly active. on the left.

Sickboy said...

I dont think he should have to apologize for anything. A man shouldnt have to apologize for his convictions or beliefs. Right or wrong.

dad-e~O said...

Eric, if a man in who has been placed in a position of trust and power, misuses that power and destroys that trust for the good of the few. He is in the wrong and should appolgize. This war was started under false pretences. We were lied to. Never in the history of the USA has the Gov't so flagrently pandered to the super rich.

Scott said...

Apologies or not it seems he might in the end displace Nixon as the worst president ever!

Scott said...

Woops, I should qualify that last statement as he would be worst in general opinion of the public at large. I think historically Nixon does not fair as bad, when reviewing his accomplishments.