Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Whats she got in that box?

---I think this pretty much says it all about ole Hillary. Any one got a caption for this one?---


Scott said...

Amateur Photo Shop.... really bad, not even slightly believable.

Sickboy said...

well yeah, but still...it sums up a lot of peoples feelings about her.

Sickboy said...

But yeah scott, I will agree, whomever doctored up this photo did a terrible job. But I think one cna look beyond that to see the point of the joke.

I couldnt think of a decent caption for this one.

dad-e~O said...

Caption: I decided not to let Bill's sex drive get in the way of my Presidential Campaign, so I lopped them off and I keep them with me where ever I go. and It's practice for "the button" I'll get when I win.