Thursday, January 25, 2007

your thoughts

well boys.
I'm in texas, and right this minute my Mom is in a rented hospital style bed in the living room, on a respirator, in unbelievable amounts of pain. having occasional panic attacks/sezures. Essentially in the final days. So send her (and my family) a little positive energy (prayer if you beleive in that) cause right now, we need it.
We are just looking for her to be comfortable at this point, if there was ever a person deserving of this awful death it wouldn't be her (and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy). no drugs, rarely drinking, dedicated her life to helping others (nursing). raised 3 pretty good kids, ect.ect.
Cancer... what a bitch.


Sickboy said...

PJB. I will defintley be with you and yours in prayer. Thank you for letting us know whats going on. I wont keep y ou with useless banter, but I am with you in thought. Love you too. E.

Scott said...

We too will keep you and your family in our harts and prayers.

dad-e~O said...

thanks guys, it's a bit of a waiting game. She is in and out of concesness so I have more down time then I ever would at home. It's very bizzare

dad-e~O said...

She passed this morning around 5.
She is no longer in pain.