Thursday, January 31, 2008


---Well, its fucking freezing here today, bitter cold. How are things there? I just got home from therapy not all that long ago, it was a pretty decent session.

We lost another member of our family this morning around 6 AM. My "great" Aunt but I dont play that "great" this or my "second" that. She was my damn Aunt. Her and I were kinda close when I was a child. I remember her at all the big family gatherings from my maternal side of the family. Christmas, Turkey day and so on, she was there. She died of neglect in a nursing home. She went from almost 300 pounds down to like 85 in a few months! They just weren't feeding her what she needed. A law suit will follow in time from my cousin Michael.

Needless to say my Mom and I wont be able to make it to her service on Sat. No money. And we are moving in like 2 1/2 weeks, we just cant do it. It is also in the same funeral home that Den was in and my Mom has said there is no way she could walk into that place again, not this soon, if ever again and I understand.---


dad-e~O said...

sorry to hear about your loss.
it sucks enough when someone dies, but to learn it was from distressing circumstances, makes things soo much worse.

Sickboy said...

Yeah man, first off, thank you. That nursing home treated her like shit. Part of it was psychological, part of it was medical. They could have moved her to a psyche ward to try and get her talking and help her out, but they did nothing. They would go days with out changing her diapers and all kinda of neglectful junk. The official cause of death on the Death Cert. will read as Malnutrition as the cause of her demise. I mean, Good Lord, my Aunt was a large woman and to go from like 300 plus down to under 100 lbs. in just a couple months is frightening.

Im not sure what it was that FINALLY set the nursing home off, but it was something in her blood. Some kind of cycle count that should come back in the hundreds for someone normal like you or I? Hers came back at like 7. At that point they knew they were in serious trouble, they transported her to hospice, where she died this AM around 6.