Friday, January 11, 2008

Happy Friday.

---I am in a much better mood tosay than I have been over the last couple of days and apologize to those I jumped on for NO reason whatsoever (Scott). Its not too bad of a day here, sunny, temp. around 25, but a warm, sunny 25 and no precip. in sight for the next several days.

I think my Mom has had it with being drug along with these homeowners. First they told us it would be Mon or Tues. for an answer, than we got held up cuz one of our reference numbers were wrong, then they said it'd be Weds. or Thurs. Well, here it is Friday and we got nothin. No phone call, no fuck offs, nothing. I think tonight my Mom is just gonna call them and tell them hey, we are in limbo here and we could be using all this wasted time looking for another place to live, so whats up, really? I cant blame her, tension within the house has been high as of late. I am trying my best to hold her up and be there for her considering she is still grieving the loss of Den....I dunno, like always, Ill let you guys know what happens, who knows maybe we will get a phone call today.

What in the hell happened to everyone on this blog? It seems like the only contributers now are myself, PJB and Scott! Did we lose Martin and Maslov in the mix up somewhere?

I should have copied and pasted part of the article to the blog here because now I cant find it, but there is some bar here in the Midwest (I think) that wants to ban profanity at its establishment. C'mon, no cussing at a bar? Are you kidding me?

Speaking of bans and no nos, the entire state of Illinois just went smoke free as of Jan. 1st, didnt it? Ours did not but there have been a lot of restaurants around town that have designated hours for smokers only, especially for the weekend crowds. Pretty much every eating establishment has gone smoke free during their weekend hours of business, or you have to wait until after like 7 PM.

Im not sure when we are supposed to get hit with another round of winter weather, but I figure it cant be too far off. I still needs to take the kid sledding.

I watched the Republican Debate last night and Fred Thompson was on fire! He looked great! Not that that is gonna change anything but I just thought it was nice to see a huge under dog like himself get into it and blast away at some of his fellow Republicans who have been giving him shit from the get go. Huckabee needs to sit down and shut the hell up. I seriously wont vote if he gets our parties nod for the ballot. Hes an assbasket. Right now, Im still backing the same person I always was, even though, he prolly wont last much longer, then from there, who knows? Im not gonna give my newly felt opinion about Obama because it will sound racist and pre-judgemental and we all know how I feel about ole Hillary.

Enjoy your day and your weekend, Ill be around, here and there, the ex and the kid are headed up North where my ex's parents are to celebrate my kid's B day this weekend, so Im free as a bird.


Sickboy said...

SPAM!!!!! WOOHOO, look guys, its SPAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

dad-e~O said...

I like spam, on toast.