Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Monster Snow Blower Action!

Finally after umpteen snow events this season my donated snow monster from Minnesota is alive and running. Although I think this 8 horse power beast is total over kill for my drive way, it was after all free. We have been in position of this monstrosity since the first of December, how ever due to a small string of mechanical issues (all to be expected our vintage 1979 model) we have only this morning been able to break her out and let her tear things up. Yeah it was fun, especially the bottom of the drive where the plow had been, she didn’t slow at all. Now I just have to learn check the wind direction before I take her out for a spin… the wind blow a lot of the blown snow back at me and I came in looking like frosty.


Sickboy said...

You guys seem to be getting more snow than us and we seem to be gettin more bone chilling cold than you, wanna trade? We havent really gotten "dumped on" this season yet. One minute they are talking about 6 inches and a few hours later it ends up only being 2 1/2 or 3 inches.

Its fucking cold though, Lemme tell ya. Below zero right now and Im not sure when this cold snap is gonna break.

This has been the worst winter I can remember in a long, long time.

Sickboy said...

and by the way....that thing looks like a MONSTER!!! AWESOME FUN!!!

dad-e~O said...

we have a snapper, but I don't like the way I smell when I come in after using it. So I havent't even started it this year. and mabye not even last...
I'm quirky

Sickboy said...

Hey Scott....do the mutts like the snow? do they jump around and get all crazy in it, or do they just get out, do their business and run right back in?

When I was way young (like 8-9) I had a Beagle that would go ape shit over the snow. Hed roll in it, root around in it with his nose...all kinds of funny stuff.