Monday, January 07, 2008


---So, I just heard its gonna get up to 61 degrees there today? WTF? Its about 42, 43 here right now with clouds everywhere. We still have large patches of snow all over the place and its that kinda snow you love to hate, all dirty and nasty looking. So I figure it either needs to all melt away or we need some new, fresh snow to cover it up. I think we are forecasted for rain today.

Ive been watching the news a bit lately. Its fun to watch Hillary act and sound so desperate for support. I dunno though, I dunno.....if election day was tomorrow, I just dont know.....I prolly wouldnt even vote. Sad, but true. I watched the Republican roundtable last night which was interesting, but Im sick and tired of all these politicians just sittin there talking smack about one another, just GET TO THE ISSUES! How do you feel about gun control? Abortion? Illegals? taxes? Terrorism?

Once "Super Tuesday" gets here, which I think is on Feb. 5th, you will see a lot of candidates drop out after that. I have a feeling that Hillary is gonna stick it out til the bitter end like she says she is though. And she still has that fucking idiot Bill following her around like a lost puppy. SEND BILLY BACK HOME!

President Obama it is, I think. I still dunno if I could vote for the man though.

How do you guys feel about it?

We should hear back from the people concerning the house today or tomorrow, Ill fill you guys in as soon as we find something out, they had to run my mom's credit first to see how much shes worth to determine the rent every month...weird, I know!

I also wanted to take the time to give MAD props to PJ's Cambell Street Bike Shop's blog, it friggin rocks. I am very happy for you and Tif that things have started to go off in the right direction for you as a new budding business.

My Ava turns 5 today!!!! 5!!!!! My gosh, where did the time go? Shes so smart and so big, its hard for me to not get emotional on her birthdays. My Mom and I will be heading over there tonight for present opening and cake.

Have you ever given any serious thought to becoming a vegetarian? For reals? Go ahead jump all over me, My hero, Mike Ness has been an avid veggie for years and years now and I just wonder how in God's name he can pull that off while being on tour? That has to be super difficult. When I met him and once we got to really talking he said there are 2 things in life that'll kill you, those being heroin and fried chicken. I guess and have heard that he takes pretty decent care of himself. I mean he's not out jogging every morning, but he watches what he eats and has been drug and alcohol free since the mid 80s. I think the births of his 2 sons had a lot to do with that...starting to watch out for yourself.

My low life ex sister in law called my ex last night and was crying to come get picked up from her boyfriends house. Supposedly he burnt her with a smoke and had slammed her into the ground. Now, with my ex sis in law, theres a ENORMOUS chance she may have started shit and hit him first, she done that before. Its just a messy situation. She stayed at my ex's last night and went ino the drs. office today. I guess she doesnt wanna press charges either because this great BF of hers has a 10 year sentence hanging over his head if he fucks up again

The bottom line is shes a recovering meth addict and a hard one at that. I made damn sure she was out of that house early this morning when I talked to the ex because I didnt want her near my kid. Trust me, I know how addicts are fresh outta rehab, they are very dangerous. I hope the best for her though, but I dont have my hopes up.---


Scott said...

I have not eaten meat (unless by accident) since way back when I lived with Frank in Palatine. But I would never really consider my self Vegetarian, mostly because I do still eat egg, dairy, and as of just these past 5 years or so occasionally fish. I started eating fish again mostly because I was traveling a lot on business, and eating out as a non-meat eater can really limit your choices to things that are not so healthy (French fries, cheese sandwiches, pasta alfredo, est.) Some how simply staying away from critters who walk on the ground, some how keeps the realm of my meal choices a little bit healthier. I don’t believe it has to be that way, it some how simply is. Mike Ness’s example of fried chicken speaks volumes on meal choices involving meat in our culture. Any how I do have an opinion on the subject but I don’t normally feel comfortable talking about it in public. For reasons not know to my sense of logic, the simple act of not eating one type of food really makes a lot of people very grouchy.

Sickboy said...

I commend you Scott, for being open and honest about it, thank you. Yeah, like I said in my post, I dont see how you could be a "Road Zombie" and not be forced to or at least tempted almost constantly to eat total crap.

I am a meat eater but I definitely dont have any problems with someone else who is not.

Yeah when M. Ness said that to me he was being totally serious, its something Ill never forget and it really stuck with me. He had asked if there were any good veggie places he could find some grub at on their way out of town the next morning, so I rambled off a place or two that I knew of and thats when he said "Dont worry about taxes catching up with ya, but stay away from the Hay-ron (heroin) and fried chicken, that shit will kill you" and you could tell by the energy in the room that he was dead serious. His whole family are veggies, his wife, his 2 kids and himself.

But yeah, Ill be honest, I love a good steak every now and again.

thanks for your reply Scott!

dad-e~O said...

Concerning Vegitarianism, not it, but I still don't eat Pork.....

Concerning the Weather, yea a little crazy, but the midwest is known for crazy weather. We had a foot of snow, then bammo, all gone.
I just got back from a 24 mile ride, I rode my fixed gear through busse woods. I love my fixed gear, for many reasons, but today I loved how quiet it is.

dad-e~O said...

concerning politics: I think it would be really inccredible if Obama could pull of the nomination, but is he electable??
If Kerry, a war hero couldn't beat the Republicans, can an uppity freshman senator with a muslim name, and more melanin then about 1/2 of the red states like?
not sure.

Sickboy said...

I have been watching a ton of political coverage as of late and the youth seems to be behind Obama like youd never believe

Im not gonna say I like him just yet, but right now I AM listening as to what he says. For me to like him I would have to claim Im an independent at that least, or a Republican who is sick and tired of the GOP at this current time. People are dying for change in this Nation, both blue and red states and seemingly, its something Barak says he can deliver, BUT he is still a politician and everything said needs to be taken in with a grain of salt.

Like I said, if the election was tomorrow, I wouldnt even vote at all.

Bush really fucked it up for the republicans....asshole

Damn republicans dont have a power house runner either