Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Too cold for comfort!

---Well, today wasnt too bad of a day even though I didnt get out much, its just been so bitter cold here the past couple days it steals away all your motivation. The cold and the snow did remind of one thing early this morning as I stood, glaring out my balcony windows at the snow, with the frigid breeze whipping its way though the large pine trees we have here in the complex.

Scott, do you remember the time me, you and Mike S. went cross country skiing, in what I think was Busse woods? It was pretty dark at the time I remember that and it was literally right after we had gotten nailed by a heavy snowfall. Hell, I must have been 17 or so at the time. It was a lot of fun. We started out from your old house Scott. There was deep snow everywhere. Every winter, that memory always crosses my mind and I smile every time I think about it.

Well, I just dropped an assload of money on a extremely rare Social D. "import" today from Germany, 75 songs over 4 CDs. Cannot wait to get it. All unreleased material.

I will admit, I am very happy the holidays are now officially behind all of us, they were really weird and kinda hard to work through at times without Den not being here. It was really rough on my poor Mom though. Im glad its over. 2008 needs to be good to us...good to us ALL!

Still havent heard anything about the house we want...yet. They said theyd get back to us by week's end. Regardless, we have started packing stuff up already. I HATE packing.

We have the big ass Caucus here tomorrow night, so the spotlight of The Nation is upon Iowa right now. Every darn news station you can think of has a satellite truck set up downtown here. I guess this is where it all begins...the official road to the White House! It will be interesting to see how many of the candidates pack it in after Iowa. I will more than likely go down to caucus headquarters tomorrow night to put in my 2 cents and cast my vote for who I like as of right now, should be exciting!

Hows your week going?


Scott said...

Hey I remember taking you and Mike across one of the lakes back there, only to realize that there was a thermal layer under the snow and water below that, all our ski's were caked with ice. I miss having the independence to sneak out and take skiing adventures in the woods at night, it is always so peaceful and beautiful. Before C was born I always made a point of doing so if after a fresh snow. Last I looked the plastic on my old boots had disintegrated to dust.

Sickboy said...

yeah, that was a good time.

Sickboy said...

I do remember the lake now that I think about it because that really made me nervous because the ice didnt seem to be really thick in some spots. I was all paranoid that one of us were gonna lose a ski to the lake that night.

But yeah, the big thing I will never forget about that experience was the peace it brought over me. It was like we were the only 3 people on the face of the Earth at that moment. Mother Nature blessed us with one heck of an evening that night that is so long ago now....