Saturday, January 26, 2008


---Have a good weekend kids. PJB, I hope you sell a ton of merchandise. Scott, I hope you get some great quality time with your family, just the 3 of you, without bullshit interruptions.

And to the rest of you Offmen who cant find the time to take 3 mins. to hop on this blog to at least say hello, well, hell, I hope your weekend is good too!

Im headed down to the ex's shop in a few, gonna go be an over-protective Father and annoy customers at the same time. the ex gets all kinda of people in there, some young, some in between and some old. I like annoying the older ones cuz they dont like a man with lots and lots of tattoos and greased back hair, it should be fun!

Have a good one boys---


dad-e~O said...

what's the name and website for this shop? I'd like to see what it looks like.

Scott said...

Me too

Sickboy said...

She owns about 5 or 6 sites right now. Once I find the one that would best suite what you guys would like to see, Ill post it here, or email it to yas.

Sickboy said...

OK, setting aside Ebay, which is only like a drop in the bucket of her sales online, she in charge of 9 other sites and a Blog spot on here....she does ALL THIS and still has time to take care of our daughter full time. You cant even begin to imagine what goes into the presentation of just one item when it goes up for sale let alone having to keep a running, daily quantity of them up for sale.

this chick is a bad assed mother fucker. My hat goes off to her and my heart belongs to her. Shes amazing.

Sickboy said...

plus and most of ALL, she is a GREAT Mother!

PJ, Ill email you a link to her website soon, like tomorrow. Same with you Scott, youll get one too.