Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Winter is back!!!

---Yesterday it was mostly sunny and 45 degrees (I think)and now here we are with it being 15 degrees and terrible road conditions with blowing snow everywhere. Hows the weather there? Thanks for responding to my little rant PJB and Scott from last night.

I dont think we are to see any accumulation from this snowfall, but damn, it sucks out there right now.

PJ, business is closed today, you got a lot of personal runnin around to do? How the heck is C doing Scott? And your wife? How is she?

I see you guys managed to get Ian on board for Mike's homecoming, thats pretty damn cool, I havent seen him in ages.

What do you guys have in mind for that night? You guys gonna go out to eat, then wash it all down with like 445 beers?

Im doing a lot better than I was last night, I just wish this new medication wasnt so long acting and that it would just get into my system and start working. I bet ya when it does, Im gonna flip ass for a while too which is always great. Thats when my ex flips ass on me and bans me from seeing Ava. Ava knows Daddy has a boo boo in his mind, thats what we have told her and that Daddy sometimes doesnt think right or think in a normal way, so she kinda gets it, but yeah, I aint allowed around her when Im really flippin out, which I understand to a point. Her and I could go back and forth for hours with that one. Ah, the joys of being mentally fucked up.

Later taters---


dad-e~O said...

tues is errand day, but i generally spend time at the shop anyway

Sickboy said...

yeah, I figured something would "drag" ya into the shop. You guys should do a "weekly shot" of the shop. You know, take a picture of something thats happening at the shop every week, whether its you working on something, Tiff behind the desk, or one of the kids doing something fun, you guys should do that and then blog it.