Thursday, January 17, 2008

Winter Wonderland

---Well, we got hit by our first real snow storm of the season last night, about 6 inches. Its so beautiful out. Im dreading this weekend though, the high temp. here on Saturday is 3. Yes, you read that right my friends, 3.

We have over 90% of our stuff packed up and ready to go. My Mom seems to be doing better already now that she knows we have a new place to call home very soon. Like I have said, its not about forgetting Den, its just about my Mom and I moving on to the next phase of our lives now that he is gone. This has to be done, for both myself and my Mom.

PJ, you and Tif keep coming up with great ideas for your shop, I know this may be a hard time of year to sell a whole lot of bikes, but come Spring, you guys will be slammed with work.

How is everyone else? Seems like this blog has dwindled down to the 3 of us...myself, Scott and PJB. Where is Steve? Havent seen him on here for quite some time either!

I broke down like a weak minded fool and bought a huge ass bottle of pre made margaritas. I know I shouldnt do that, but Im craving some tequila, yummy!---


dad-e~O said...

i can barely look at Margerittas any more. The rare occasion we go to a Mexican place for dinner, I will have a portion of Anejo tequilla next to my Mexican beer. But all that sugar and stuff in Margerittas gives me a wicked Hangover.
It snowing here, but we are only supposed to get an Inch or so

Sickboy said...

yeah, Im not drinkin to get drunk here, I was just craving the flavor of tequila.

dad-e~O said...

I never drink to get Drunk!
I drink to silence the voices....

Sickboy said...

hahahahahaha.......maybe I should try that instead of all these pills