Wednesday, January 31, 2007

UK terror plot and extreme muslims.

31/01/2007 - 4:59:27 PM

Nine held over UK terror kidnap plot :: latest Nine men were being held tonight in England over an alleged terrorist plot to carry out an Iraqi-style kidnapping of a British Muslim soldier.Eight were arrested this morning in a series of dawn raids in Birmingham, with the ninth arrested late this afternoon on a motorway in the city.Security sources said the alleged plot was to abduct a serving Muslim soldier, who would have been filmed, possibly tortured and ultimately executed.It could have mirrored the kidnappings of the British hostages Ken Bigley and Margaret Hassan by Iraqi insurgents.Sources said a target for the alleged plot had already been identified – a young Muslim soldier in the British army who had served in Afghanistan.The operation to thwart the alleged plot was led by the new Midlands Counter Terrorism Unit, only set up a few months ago.Assistant Chief Constable David Shaw, from West Midlands Police, described it as a “very, very major investigation” which would take “days if not weeks”.“The threat from terrorism remains very real,” he said.

---It looks like yet another serious terror plot was overthrown today in the UK. First off, kudos to the Midlans Counter Terrorism Unit! OK, now it is apparent that some of these extreme muslims will kill their own to make a point. Hell, they have been doing it for ages now anyways. I really think there are 2 kinds of muslims in the world today; real muslims, traditional muslims and these EXTREME muslims. Extreme muslims who will stop at nothing at over throwing the world and I mean that in a literal sense. Thats what they wanna do, rule the world. They want AMerican and Isreal to crumble to ashes. Extreme, not traditional, Muslims scare me.

What I really think needs to happen is to have someone, friggin ANYONE from the "normal" Muslim community to step up and say this is wrong, this is not how we are. I think if this does not happen in the future, all Muslims are really gonna start to catch hell. Where are all the regular, law abiding Islam leaders out there? They need to stand up and start to speak on behalf of whats real to them as a religion and as a culture, very soon...or it may be too late. ---


Martin said...

There have been Muslim leaders that have spoken out against this violence. Unfortunately they are not making the news like the vitriol spewing advocates of violence.
I don't think that mainstream Christians necessarily feel the need to speak out to seperate themselves from fundamentalists that advocate distasteful or violent behavior. I don't think that I have to say that I don't agree with that nutjob that goes around protesting at soldiers funerals saying that God wanted them to die because America tolerates gays. If I don't feel the need to do this, why should mainstream Muslims?
I think it may be beneficial for moderate Muslim leaders to be more vocal about their opposition to violence, but in the end, would we believe them?

Sickboy said...

I agree with you there, I think anything a Muslim leader would say right now (assuming it was positive) would have to be taken with a grain of salt.

Sickboy said...

...When I say taken with a grain of salt, I mean by the general public and/or the media.

Sickboy said...

The only Muslim I can remember ever coming forth and saying that TRUE Islam knew no class, race or culture was Malcolm X and that was after his pilgrimage to Mecca. His life was totally changed by the experience. PJ can back me up on this one....

Martin said...

The problem is who defines what "True" Islam is. There are different stripes of Islam, just as there are Christianity. What may be acceptable in one branch of the religion is strictly verboten in another. Of course everyone beleives theirs is the one, true way.

Sickboy said...

I think your point answers everything Mike.

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