Saturday, February 23, 2008

Could it be the last time?

---That I post from this location? Very well could be. Im kinda bored and very sober tonight, 2 states Im almost always in, so I figured what the hell, Ill drop another blog entry. Where the hell has everyone else gone? I miss you guys.

Tomorrow at like 10 AM I think one of our neighbors who is super cool is gonna hook us up by letting us use the vast space in his pick up bed and run a load of fragile goods over to the new house, then after that we should be free the rest of the day to get any last second stuff done. I think Ill take down my p.c. early tomorrow evening if I can because we are SUPPOSED to have phone and cable here (which would include internet)through Monday sometime.

I think the Dish Network dude comes to the new place early on Tuesday to hook that up and I think our phone gets turned on Tuesday too, so that means my broadband modem should go in the mail Tuesday, something I hope to have by Friday, so I can be back online again by then. Its kinda weird, the internet company is bundled with the dish and the phone, but they wont ship out a modem for the broadband until they know your phone has been turned on. I dont make the rules kids, I just try to help pay the bills. Its an odd rule, but thats how it goes, get your ring a ding turned on and your modem gets put in the mail.

It will be weird being offline for a few days but it will be OK, because Ill have plenty to do around the new place and on top of that it'll give me time to hook up my p.c. again and get it set up exactly where I want everything this time and not feel rushed like I did when this first arrived here brand new a few months back. I gotta get new speakers for this thing one of these days, gosh do these ones that come with the system SUCK!

I honestly think its about time I quit pussy footing around the issue and just man up and give the quitting smoking thing a shot here pretty soon. It would make everyone in my life that I directly effect so much happier, it would literally save me thousands annually and would do wonders for my health. You cant beat those reasons. Ive been bull shitting around it for far too long now, I think the time may be soon. For reals. Perfect time is coming up too, new pad, so Im totally isolated from others and other people that smoke. Being here in an apt. setting didnt really help much, I have friends right here in the same building that smoke. It wouldnt be that way at the duplex. We have yet to meet our neighbor next door but rumor has it she is super ass cool. My kid effin HATES the fact that I smoke, shes always on me about it and my ex, who Im closest to here only smokes when she drinks so thats like only 7 nights a week so, haha, kiddin, Ill be here all week, try the veal....No for real shes the only one I hang with who smokes and if I stopped and told her I didnt want her to smoke around me, she wouldnt.

Its time for my Mother and I to move on past the physical memories of having Den in our lives here and just take his memories with us to the new place. Its time to start over, hurt free and happy knowing where he is and knowing what we need to do next in our lives!

Well, boys I think Im gonna have me a Margarita then its of to lala land, gotta be up early, busy day tomorrow. This is Lord Tippy, King of all Turtles, signing off, for now, I shall make my triumphant return soon!

And also, if you had to pick a song that best describes you and your significant other, what would that be? I have dibs on "Ring of fire" it fits me and my ex all too well. When the flame does burn between us, it burns at a million degrees, now if I could get her to only see that. Everyone else does.....So yeah, Ring of Fire.---

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