Saturday, February 16, 2008

Saturday AM....

---Well, they are projecting that overnight here things will take a spin for the worse and tomorrow is gonna be a wash. Freezing fucking rain overnight that will turn to all snow by tomorrow morning. 4-8 inches, 40 MPH winds, blizzard like conditions tomorrow morning. My ass will be sitting right here then, screw that noise. Right now, all is quiet, sun is out but its only like 19 degrees.

Ill be goin to hang with the kid in a little bit doing the usual: chasing the little monster around the store as she laughs her head off. Its a little game we play, she knows when to quit. but for the most part, its all fun. Gonna be another McDonalds lunch then today, blech. Ill go over to her place tonight for a while to hang with them, but nothing too spectacular or anything will go down, Ill wanna get home early to beat this storm that will be moving in and then tomorrow, like I previously said will be a wash, I wont be doing anything in a damn snow storm. My car will be frozen shut anyways from the freezing rain.

Have a good one boys.---

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