Thursday, February 07, 2008

Thurs. blah de blah...

---So, Obama has raised a shitload more money and Hillary had to dig into her own pocket and pull out 5 million just to stay afloat I guess. This is exciting. I dont even wanna talk about the other side of the race McCain and Fuckabee have teamed up to screw Romney, I am hearing rumors of him dropping out as early as this afternoon! Well, there went my hope for the GOP candidate!

Obama has something like 500 million donors or something like that, the most ever seen by anyone running for The White House! I would love to sit down and have coffee with this man, he is above the average Democrat and WAY above The Clintons. If not this term, he will be our nations President someday.

Whats goin on there? We are still diggin out from our little snow storm. We will get the keys to our new pad in a little over a week so Im pretty excited about that. Social D. has wrapped up this final leg of their tour so hopefully this means they take a small break and then hit the studio to start laying tracks for the next album, with a full on late spring/summer tour to follow.

Everything else is good. The kid is good. Im good. Everything is all good.---

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