Monday, February 04, 2008

Monday Morning Blues...

---So, how the hell was your weekend? Mine wasnt all that shabby, cant complain. We are looking at freezin drizzle right now which should change into just plain old rain by this afternoon, then the temps. will drop again and by sometime tomorrow, we are gonna get 3-6 inches of snow.

My Mom is having a really hard time with the loss of Den in about five million ways, one big way is the fact that he left her with over 8 grand in debt to take over so that puts tremendous pressure on her. Im really fucking angry at him for that too! Nope, not fair! Id kick that dumb ole SOB in the tail if I could right now. Im just so frustrated with her walking around here saying shes lost and doesnt know what to do now that he is gone, She took care of him, she did everything for him, big and small.

My kid is doing well and so is the ex, they are still up north visiting with her parents and all seems to be well. All I wanna do is run. Fast. Not from them really. I just feel like running, emotionally. No, dont tell me to get on a treadmill, or start jogging or bike riding, Ill just laugh at you.

Just remember....

"You can run all your life, but not go anywhere."

Sound familiar?

I dont feel "lost" without my Den per say, but I do feel a void. Him and I were jokesters. Always playing jokes on one another and really gettin my Mom MAD. She didnt have the same kind of sense of humor we did. We loved a good joke or some slap stick comedy. We always kept it clean though. Always.

Guess its time to start runnin again....

So, you guys have "Super Tuesday" tomorrow? Ya gonna vote like a good lil American? As long as you dont vote for McCain or Clinton, Im happy with ya.

Good Lord, am I ever in a mood today.


dad-e~O said...

Weekend was OK, but I woke up this morning to 3 inches of what my neighbor calls "Cardiac Snow". Wet and Heavy. It's raining now, and it's supposed to snow again tonight. not very good for biz'
Oh well.
One of my "Hero's" (for lack of a better term) died recently, and I am strangly saddned. I never new him, but had some interaction with him in a BikeForum that we both frequented. He was a font of Bike Geek Knowledge. I linked to his site from our Shop Blog.
Sheldon Brown. RIP

Sickboy said...

Its weird how my hero's changed over the years to fit into different phases of my life. As of late I have looked at Mike Ness as a big hero of mine...coming back from out of the gutter in the mid to late 80s to proving that he was more than capable of writing and playing himself into punk rock history. Hes been to hell and back with the scars to prove it and now he just wants to create music and take care of his family.

I dont think having actually known him has anything to do with it PJ, but more what kind of positive impact he may have had on your life.

When Mike Ness dies, I will, for one, be fucking crushed!

Im sorry you feel this way Pete, really.

Yeah, that "cardiac snow" is some rough shit. We are due to get it tomorrow I think.