Thursday, February 07, 2008

Goodbye Mitt

---Well Mitt Romney just gave what I thought was an awesome exit speech, made me proud to be a Republican again. I am sad to see him go, but I understand why he did it, he had to, in order for McCain to stand the chance of beating the Dems. pick in time.

Romney will be back, if not this time, in 2012 without a doubt.

Not sure who The Dem. leader would pick as a VP, nor am I sure that McCain would pick Huckabee as his right hand man. Gosh, I would surely hope not.

I am too politically torn right now to feel anything except Mitt's exit speech was badass.

Oh this is gonna stir up some great arguments between the ex and I, I can just feel it.

Bring it on, bring it on.

What about you, did this change your political stance?---


dad-e~O said...

All they really have to say is "Now for something completely different" and they'd get my vote

Sickboy said...

Like a real 3rd party candidate you mean, cuz Obama is all full of this "hope" "change" thing. I dunno if he does it for ya though.

Ill admit he had me for a while w/ his amazing speeches, but then I realized this guys actin and bein too damn perfect to be real which made re think everything about him.

sp9000 said...

Sorry to hear about your candidate.

Sickboy said...

After listening to McCain talk this evening, I now know why and understand why The Republicans are doing exactly what theyre doing.

Sickboy said...

Romney knew it was time otherwise the party itself would be torn in half, so to speak,all the while Hillary and/or Obama just wait, ready to pounce!

dad-e~O said...

No that quote is from Monty Python, and anyone using it would probably have a sence of humor, and not take themselves to seriosly.

Sickboy said...

Sorry not a Phython all.

dad-e~O said...

well, we can't all be perfect