Friday, February 22, 2008

Fuck Iran, Im moving and HIllary...

---Well, Im sittin here drinking some joe and some "breaking news" comes off the wire! I guess Iran has not stopped the process that is needed in order to enrich uranium, so basically they are still going forward with getting a nuke. Thats friggin scary kids! I couldnt imagine one of those crazy bastards in the Middle East obtaining nuclear weapons or the technology to produce them. No way.

How you guys feel about it?

I also wanna mention now, because I know on the weekend this blog is pretty dead, that Im moving on Monday. Ill be without internet for several days, I gotta wait for the high speed broadband kit to come in the mail or whatever, then I gotta hook it up before I'll be back. It will be good thing though, give me time to set this thing all up again and everything. So all in all boys, I go bye bye this weekend sometime and wont be back for a few. Try and keep things moving on here if ya can.

Im fucked up this morning in a bad way. I woke up and swore it was Saturday and I still feel as if it is.

I didnt watch The Dems. debate last night, did any of you? Im hearing about it now on the news, I guess it was pretty civil and they are saying that Hillary kinda gave a little "goodbye" speech. Kinda subliminal, but I just saw it and it was there. If she doesnt win Texas I guess shes done for and Obama will walk away with the nod. I still dont know how to feel about him. I dont know what kind of candidate my heart strings are pulling at. Im a rebel, pretty damn anti establishment and will vote from the heart. Its weird, a lot of my traits totally dont go with the flow of being a Republican, but indeed, today, I still am, BUT Im also looking at other things. I dont think Ill "jump ship" or anything, I just may not full on vote for my party this election. McCain's age really bothers me, he needs to pick a solid running mate, I just hope to God he doesnt start looking in Huckabee's direction! NO! That may be my final decider, who Obama and McCain pick for runnin mates!

I LOVE my WONDERFUL Country, but I dont like it's Government at all.

And dont you ever forget on me that George W. Bush is a jackass.

PJB, I know youre around, but where the hell did our Scott go?---

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