Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Supa Tuesday!!!

---Well, here we are at a political crossroads, Super Tuesday. A day when some will pull way out in front and a day when others will think about packing it up and calling it a day. You guys get out to vote yet? Id like to see Clinton get slammed, but then again, do Republicans wanna face Obama come Nov? Im having nightmares about McCain!

We are gonna get nailed with around 8 inches of snow later today. I guess it is supposed to start later today and last all night or something, so this will be our first big one of the season. I, for one, am pretty sick and tired of the snow for the season. Winter has proven it's point: it's been cold and snowy. Winter gets a standing ovation, it can be done now.

more later.---

---OK, Im back, had to run out with Mom for a bit and pick up some shit which included a hard drive erasing program so I can sell my old p.c. I guess this program goes in and totally erases your hard drive for ya. Im sure its not full proof, but I dont give a shit, I just wanna get what I can off of there. Its also snowing like an SOB here too and I guess it will be this way until tomorrow morning sometime and they are still saying 8 inches. They get to plowing here really, really damn fast when it comes to a bigger storm, I saw plows all over the place on my way home, as with smaller snow falls, you really dont see many.

So, what do you think Super Tuesday will serve as? Will it really allow for a couple of front runners to stand out and make things more obvious, or is it still gonna be a knock down, drag out until the end?

What ya think, McCain VS. Clinton or what? Sheesh, they can both go to hell for all I care.

Have you guys solidified your plans with Michael S. yet?

Sometimes, Im scared. You need a license to hunt, fish and drive, but you dont need one to raise a child. That little fact scares the hell out of me. Does it you? I think about that as I lay in bed every night, or almost every night.

I just got offered a $12.99 a month charge to rent a cell phone through my cable/internet company. Didnt know they did that kind of thing. Very interesting.

The snow is flying now! We should see 8 outta this by tomorrow morning if this keeps up. Im glad Im not in the new place yet, there'd be a lot to shovel!

OK, stop reading my senseless blog and GO VOTE!---


Scott said...

It started snowing here about an hour ago, it was supposed to begin with rain, but I guess we are getting snow instead.

I just got back from San Fransisco, it was really cold and rainy there, But the food was great!

Sickboy said...

Lots of good sea food huh?

dad-e~O said...

where did you eat/stay? my old company has Loads of restuarants in SF.