Sunday, February 03, 2008

Sunday blah de blah...

---Well fellas, its chilly and crappy here today. Im all packed up and ready to go, now all we gotta do is wait for the 15th. Hows things goin up there, anything exciting happening?

Ill tell ya whats exciting is the damn run for The White House. Im still backing one guy, but I think hes really screwed now, because if Hukabee drops out, he will give all his shit to McCain. I dont want a Grandfather for President! McCain is just too damn old IMHO, to try and make an honest run at things. Im terrible, I know, I hate Mexicans and they are all illegals and now Im pulling out my age discrimination card. OH NO! What ever will I do?


After Super Tuesday, I will make my final, honest opinion of how I think things will play out. I think this Tuesday will say quite a bit as to how things are gonna play out. Things have just been so crazy on the political scene, thats why I may have jumped the gun a few times. After Tuesday, I think I will be pretty certain as to who is taking Bush's place and yes, yes people, that equation might include Billary which sucks ass. But maybe not, we'll see

Its snowing here right now, we are supposed to get an inch, but I saw on TV last night you guys are digging out from one hell of a storm huh? Im not sure what this coming week entails weather wise for us, but I hope that does NOT include 12 inches of snow!

talk soon kids, be safe---

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