Monday, February 18, 2008

this doesnt need a title =)

---Hi guys! I havent done much yet as of today and Im really not motivated to, so we'll see what goes down here. Its 13 degrees here right now and I know Im gonna have to dig my car out sometime today which will be a damn blast!

Didnt do much yesterday either, just let the snow storm we were under pass by. We didnt get hit too hard, but the damn winds, man, and the blowing snow set us up for blizzard conditions yesterday afternoon.

Im pretty sure there are a couple primaries this week that Hillary has to win to keep her head above water or else shes in deep shit. They are also mentioning it to possibly being too close to call between both of them in the end and then theyd turn to the "super delegets" to decide who gets the nomination and I think that Hillary has more of them on her side than Obama does. Gosh I cannot STAND HER!!! This nation wants something new, something different, weve already done the Clinton thing in the Oval Office, do we want it again? I dont think so. When I see her on TV, she comes off as being whiny and snipey, we as a nation, dont want that right now, we want something new. Gosh, I cant STAND HER! I would rather deal with the super liberal Obama in Office over her, at least then Id have a lot to bitch about and things wouldnt get boring. BUT, DONT count out McCain as of yet. There are a lot of ultra conservatives that wont vote for him, I know, but he has a lot of other things locked up. And on top of that, at least McCain would have a smart, sensible exit strategy to the war, hes not just gonna pluck our troops out of there like a damn, good for nothing Democrat would, ESPECIALLY Hillary.

I have to go to Menards today with my Mom. She wants to go, but for what, Im not so sure of. We will move a week from today so pray for nice weather in a week.

Also to kinda give you a heads up right now, Ill be offline for several days once the moving date is here. I have to wait for the broadband kit to come to me via UPS in order to hook it up and it wont even get mailed out until weve been in the house for a few days. So if my opinionated, loud ass, goes suddenly quiet next week for a while, thats why...just waiting for the kit.

I JUST found out that my niece who ran away last week plans on doing it again as soon as she gets out of the detention center and that all last week she was fucking wasted on coke, extacy, weed and LSD. I wasnt even doing some of those drugs at 16! Shes a damn lucky girl that she didnt get a hold of some bad blow or some tainted x, that shit can kill pretty easily. Id like to put a few slugs in the gang bangers she was hangin with personally, but I guess they are pretty serious about the lifestyle, whatever that means, for a very small town in Northern IA. But yeah, as soon as she gets the chance, she'll bolt again on everyone. her young life is fucked, if she doesnt wanna change it. Thats the thing about being an addict, Ive been there MANY times in my life, you have to look in the mirror and say "hey this aint workin, Im done." You have to change for yourself and for those around you that love you otherwise youre screwed. Falling in love was my big changer. I wanted to better myself for a lady, my ex, then came the kid which totally did it. I dont honestly look at users as losers or anything, but they have to want that change in order for it to work. As far as "celebrity inspiration," Mike Ness helped me to get back to being a human a lot too. Of course, he wasnt there by my side, thatd be weird, but his music was and it spoke to me. Social Distortions' music is not just a gay ass obsession with me, it used to be a life line. Now, I can just sit back and enjoy it! SxDx is very special to me...

But yeah, this beautiful, smart and sensible 16 year old girl is gonna destroy her life which makes me so very sad.---

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