Tuesday, February 19, 2008

---Friggin freezin here! What have ya'll been up to? Well, today, they move my ex niece in law to a different center to make her hopes of escaping and running a lot more difficult. She has no connections where they are takin her. Ive been listening to the late, GREAT, American Icon Johnny Cash and it has never sounded better to me. Him and June Carter-Cash were a couple destined in the stars. I label Johnny as musics, well, modern music's first real rebel. He has inspired so many decent bands and groups out there I cant even begin to name them. And he did it all his way, he didnt give a shit about the big boys who controlled record labels, he'd tell them to go to hell. It was just about a man and his music.

Why do you think you hear of so many bands dying to start their own record label? This way they can control themselves. Why do you think a guy like Mike Ness is a millionaire? He partly owns a label and can do what he wants. They control everything from merchandising all the way up to the final say on touring. Thats friggin power on the music scene if ya ask me. Well, Mike's motor cycle shop doesnt hurt either Im sure.

What cha gonna do today?

Ive just been gettin a lot of my last minute shit packed up today and I wanted to jump online and blog to you guys before I get lost in the mess that is now my bedroom.

What primaries are today? Any? Alls I know is Hillary has to win to stay above water. Lets put some weights on her feet to help her sink. Not literally of course, but I just want her out of the picture ASAP. Even my ex, fuckin hates her and this is coming from a very seasoned liberal Dem.

OK boys Im going back to something important, that really matters in the world, Johnny Cash, Ill get you guys later.---


sp9000 said...

Plucked from, Yahoo News
By DAVID ESPO, AP Special Correspondent

Obama wins Wis. for 9th straight triumph


In a clear sign of their standing in the race, most cable television networks abruptly cut away from coverage of Clinton's rally when Obama began to speak in Texas.

My thoughts... te heheheheheh!

Sickboy said...

and now I hear that one of his platforms is to bomb Pakistan. Yeah, thats what we need to do Barack, good one, real smart.


dad-e~O said...

I wonder when the canidate supporters are going to stop by here with signs asking me to post something in the window.
I'm not sure who to go with.. but it should be fun playing Q&A with them. Where does so&so stand and blah de blah? etc,etc.
I'd still like to think Obama has the best chance of winning over Clinton. But who knows if he can beat McCain.

Sickboy said...

yeah man tough call. McCain would have a huge backing and thats who Im inclined to vote for because of his party.

I think McCain can pull it off, it'd be tight but he could do it. McCain has grown on me, Im just anxious to see who he picks as his running mate!

Yeah, we will prolly get the same people coming by our new duplex soon with the signs, wanting us to post them out there and blah de blah. Lord have mercy. If they are Democrats, my Mom will be nice and just tell them she is a Christian and leave it at that. If I get tossed in to the mix however, things could get messy

Ive been called everything from a racist to a woman hater because Im not interested in Hillary or Obama. If they portray me like that, then they will see some sparks fly and get exactly what they want, I dont care. These solicitors dont shape my Country.