Saturday, February 16, 2008

Im not quite sure

---If I should shake your hands and call you guys winners at the game of life, or laugh my ass off at you guys and call you suckers for getting seriously involved with a woman.

I know sometimes I feel like both and I haven't been married in years now. Man, what a tough call really. You guys seem to be pretty good at it though, you know, the whole being married thing, I know I sure as shit wasnt. No, no and no! But then again, if my ex wanted to go at another roll again, Id surely take on that challenge any day, but thats it, if another woman came up and asked me, Id laugh in her face.

I mean, what did it for you in all reality? What made you think or say, "Yes shes' the one"?

Take a half of day and think on it, but seriously, get back to me on this one, Im very curious.---


sp9000 said...

I just got tired of going in and out of relation ships; I started to feel old and began to question weather I had what it took to have the family I always wanted. I started to question weather was I destined to be some lonely old bachelor. I felt that if I could not make this relation ship work then there was no hope of any. I never felt my relationship with P was the one in any romantic sense, that one slipped away a very long time ago and now was time I needed to simply stop looking for it again and make one work
That would be the ultra simple of it. I still think about it all the time. It helps me a lot to take time every day to stop and be very thankful for what I have.

Sickboy said...

GREAT answer, thanks for being honest. Some of my short comings in my past have caused my relationships to fall apart and now that I want to start one up again with the ex, shes playin hardball. Ugh.

I am thankful for my ex and my daughter everyday though, that much is true. My ex can see all sides of me, no one else can. I put on a pretty hard face to walk through everyday life, but with her she sees past it and can tell when somethings goin on in my head

dad-e~O said...

this may sound cheesy, but I genuinly beleive that Tif and I were meant to be together. We have had a good, strong relationship through some pretty hard-ish times. Neither of us has been unfaithful (Porn doesn't count?). We have made some pretty silly decisions over the years (mostly financial), but have managed thus far to get through, thus far.
Soul Mates.

dad-e~O said...

It's funny that you should ask this now. the other day Tiff and I were talking about something similar.
She has been going through some "Female Health Issues" that I am not really getting into here, except to say she has been in almost constant discomfort for the last couple months.
So anyway, she says, "I don't like being a girl" and I said that I'm glad she is, cause I wonder if I would feel the same way about her if she was a boy. or to say If my soul mate was a man, would I be gay? Or am I straight because my soul mate is a girl.
It's sort of a big picture / cards of destiny kinda question.
I'm not sure if I was able to properly get that question out and have it be clear.

Sickboy said...

I dont think Id be gay if my ex was a man, Id just end up having a really, really good friend. Yeah, while we were married, we really didnt make any rash decisions, because I trusted her to be in control of that..the financing.

And I definitely think porn can count as an outlet that could lead to a lot of problems.

I dont believe in "soul mates" I guess. I believe you just get lucky and find that one person that makes you happy and satisfied enough to want to marry them, but yeah, I think being/getting married plays a big part of becoming complete with your mate