Thursday, February 14, 2008

Last Photo

This is it boys, I guess I was not feeling very much like a wedding photographer on Tuesday. Not all of us in the scene Pete, and I are not in this image. It was a nice crowd and all of us were at least a little gray. Lots of hey how are ya's and lots of stories, Franks story of the half naked girl on his crane was the most entertaining, and then lots of tails from all of us who have worked in the service sector Mike and Pete had some real horror stories of catering gone wrong. Good times!


Sickboy said...

thanks Scott for postin. Yeah, everyone I can see looks pretty much the same, just a little older than usual.

Sickboy said...

the next time I come to town, I expect a full on get together too, setting aside Mikey S. he lives kinda far away.

Got it? =)

I didnt know my fave. Democrat Mark M. was gonna be there too. Mark, if you read this, I hope your wedding goes off with out a hitch!

Frank is still as big as a small monster and Fred looks great. I always did like Fred.

I wouldnt possibly be coming to town until like next summer per say anyways, so its all good for now. And I dont want any broads at an OMI get together if I can have any say in it.

Phil looks to, just so much older to me, the last time I saw him he was still a teenager.

Mikey S. looks like a damn nut job as usual, but damn I wish I could have seen him!

I could barely see Mo sittin there, but she looks good too, nice and happy with life.

Jesus Christ, to think, some of us would have had to have found baby sitters to come to that event. Now thats fucking weird.

Sickboy said...

And before someone gets their panties in a bunch, the "no broads" comment I made was meant to be taken as a joke.