Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Movie any one?

P and I went to see the new Coen brothers movie this past Saturday.
It has been a very long time, maybe even never that I have found my self stuck in my seat several minutes after a film ends, feeling completely and totally dumb struck and bewildered... What a great fucking movie!


dad-e~O said...

I must live under a rock, cause I'm not sure what Movie you are taking about. Much less exactly who the Coen Bros are, did they do the Matrix movies?

Sickboy said...

I have not seen a great movie in months and months. Theres supposed to be a movie out and about circulating about the life and time a Joe Strummer that Im kinda dying to see.

dad-e~O said...

I figured out that you included a link to the IMBD site about the movie, Thanks.
Unfortunatly, since I rarely watch tv I am kinda in the dark about this sort of thing, looks cool though, I will watch for it at the RedBox

Scott said...

Here is the link No Country for Old Men
I would be very surprised if neither of you did not love this film.

Anonymous said...

They also did Oh brother where art thou? - Raising Arizona - Miller's Crossing - Big Lebowski - the man who wasn't there....I could go on - LOVE THE COHEN BROS.

sp9000 said...

Big Lebowski, is in my top five favorite movies of all time!

Martin said...

Big Lebowski is awesome.
They also did Fargo.