Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Moving and Painting and......

---So, who was all there last night? What did ya'll do? I thought about you guys quite a bit last night and realized how much Ive missed you all. I was over at the new pad for a little while today, but not for too long, I just wasnt up for it today. Got my hair cut though which is always nice, cuz then I can throw a fresh coat of grease on the ole head and everything slicks back nicely. The weather here wasnt too bad today. I mean it was cold mind ya, but it wasnt bone chilling cold. I think our next day of bone chillin action hits us on Friday when I believe the high temp. to be just a boiling 12 for a daytime high!

So, who there has um, ah, um, "romantic" plans set up for good old VD tomorrow? Anyone going out to any place special for dinner or anything? Im not doing too much of anything special, I mean, I will be over at the ex's and all hangin out with her and the smalls (my kid) but no real plans of dinner or anything like that.

And one more quick little thing. FYI, for those of you out there in blog land that have been reading and following along, my 16 year old niece in law is still, nowhere to be found...anywhere. My former family is scared sick now.

So, do tell, who was all there last night AND THE MORE pictures THE BETTER!!!---


dad-e~O said...

I get the "Had enough to drink" award. but since i can walk home I was OK.
I also get to stock my fridge with the 12 beers left over....

Sickboy said...
