Tuesday, February 05, 2008

The crap I did not know I needed to know before having children

When your child wets their pants it often includes their socks and shoes.

If you give your child a cookie as a reward for good behavior, don’t expect good behavior in return.

Your TV is now the exclusive domain of colorful talking animals.

The word NO is learned a whole year before the word Yes.

Hot food is a luxury item

Taking a shower now requires an appointment

That a child of mine could love that creepy dinosaur Barney (it is a real bummer for C because I forbid him from watching the purple beast).

A Child being harmed or neglected on TV or in movies leaves me feeling like I am going to lose my lunch. The real stuff on the news is positively over whelming.

That I would have to participate in nursery rhyme singing… in public!

Nor did I realize I was also expected to already know the words to these songs!

That much of the so-called hard work involved in child rearing was actually quite boring and repetitive.

Hearing to your baby scream is equivalent to having a power drill grind holes in your skull with a ½ inch fly bit.

Infant finger nails take nerves of steal to clip.


Sickboy said...

"Children being harmed or neglected on TV or in movies leaves me feeling like I am going to lose my lunch. The real stuff on the news is positively over whelming."

Tell me about it, I cant handle that shit any more! On the TV, news or in real life, it all freaks me out. Real life gets me bad though.

Like I was saying in one of my earlier blogs, you need a license to hunt, fish, or drive, but nothing to raise a child. THAT scares me.

welcome back to the blog.

Scott said...

Yeah but how do you test for such a thing?

Sickboy said...

you just cant man. Especially here within America, there'd be no way to gauge that type of thing, this is America after all. Land of the free, home of the brave and all that stuff ya read about....

Sickboy said...

Trust me though, if I could figure out a way to test or gauge for it, I would.

dad-e~O said...

the question is really what would do with people who failed the test.
or just a plastic bag over their head so they stop stealling our oxygen.

dad-e~O said...

Can I add a few things to your list?:

A child who isn't potty trained could very likely poop in the tub during bath time.
Sex, like Showering, requires an appointment.
Explaining things to a child can be very tiring, for example Politics, Terrorism, religion, Drugs.