Thursday, February 14, 2008

Stupid made up Hallmark holiday.

---So, whos with me there? C'mon guys, grab your testicles back from your women and answer the question! Needless to say, by choice, I aint doin anything tonight simply cuz I dont wanna.

What are you guys gonna do?

I was never a big fan of Feb. 14th to begin with.

What did ya do today? I painted all damn day, yeah that brought back great memories from being part of a Union filled industry I was so happy to leave behind so many years ago now. Ill be doing the same thing tomorrow. Painting.

In all reality, I should have went over to my ex's tonight to see her and my kid, but I didnt feel like it simply cuz my ex has a TERRIBLE cold and Im not catching that shit, screw that, not if I dont have to...we aint married anymore, so Ill give her and my kid their gifts on Sat. when I see them next.

On top of that, the sky is doing something here, what that is exactly is I cannot tell, but it looks to be freezing, or freezing within seconds after hitting the ground, so I dont wanna deal with that either.

Will one of you damn guys please tell me who was all there for the big Mike S. get together and if there are moer pictures out there waiting to be seen?---


dad-e~O said...

I enjoyed probably my first Restuarant free V Day in memory.
We (Tiff & I) don't celbrate this one. I made her a I-pod playlist of some special songs. She is getting me a wine of the month subscription from the local wine shop (we were going to Join anyway, but If we call it a gift it seems like lest of a waste of money)

dad-e~O said...

Leave my Balls out of it...

Sickboy said...

well, good PJB, sounds like you and Tif had a nice non traditional day, good for you!